Recep Tayyip ErdoÄźan & Benjamin Netanyahu

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a conversation with the Israeli newspaper Maariv's envoy to the NATO summit in Vilnius that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited to his country and will soon visit Turkey and that he himself may visit Israel. "When Netanyahu visits Turkey, we will also discuss my reciprocal visit to Israel", said Erdogan, who was this time a key figure sought at the summit due to his agreement to ratify Sweden's accession to NATO, despite the Swedish government allowing the burning of a Quran in recent weeks.

Last March, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took off for a series of visits to Europe, especially on weekends, where he used the time to discuss with the leaders of France, Italy, Germany, and London also regarding Iran, as informed security officials said. Since then, Netanyahu has not made any diplomatic visits abroad, despite contacts that have been taking place with a number of countries.

Netanyahu currently has one known trip scheduled at the beginning of September, when he will fly to New York for a speech at the UN General Assembly. At the same time, negotiations are underway for several other visits. These may be implemented in August, after the end of the Knesset session on July 30,  in which the coalition plans to move the “Reasonableness Clause” forward.

One visit has not yet been scheduled for Netanyahu, the one to the White House. In the past, possibilities of holding a meeting between Netanyahu and US President Biden on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly were discussed, but this too may not take place, in view of the security situation and tensions with the Palestinians, along with the continuation of the judicial reform legislation that is not widely agreed upon, as the Biden administration tends to remind of at any given opportunity.

Netanyahu recently announced in a meeting with members of US Congressmen in Jerusalem that he has been invited to visit China, but a date has not yet been set. "The intended visit will be Prime Minister Netanyahu's fourth visit to China, and the American administration was informed about this a month ago," the Prime Minister's office said at the end of last month. "Prime Minister Netanyahu made it clear to members of Congress that the security and intelligence cooperation between the US and Israel is at an all-time high, and emphasized that the US will always be Israel's essential ally, irreplaceable."

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