Antisemitic posts like the one from this fake account have increased significantly

At a meeting of the lobby for relations between Israel and the U.S. Jewry which took place on Wednesday in the Knesset, The Ruderman Family Foundation presented a study carried out by the Network Contagion Research Institute that deals with the "polarization pendulum of antisemitism and anti-Zionism". The study, which analyzed, according to the claim, a staggering 100 million tweets, using algorithms that located terms considered to be key terms of antisemitism and anti-Zionism, indicates a clear increase of posts that were of an anti-Zionist and antisemitic nature.

The study deals with messages published over two and a half years, between the beginning of January 2020 and June 30, 2022, and those who conducted say that the 2020 election cycle between former President Trump and President Biden indicates the beginning of an upwards trend in antisemitic tweets. This was sampled by using terms such as "world domination" s "new world order". On the other hand, after President Biden had entered the Oval Office, there was an increase in anti-Zionist tweets directed against the State of Israel.

The authors of the study note that at the beginning of the study period, the outbreak of the pandemic saw a 500 percent increase in the use of antisemitic images and terms compared to the amount of use of these images in a similar period later.

The study also revealed that tweets including images and terms relating to human rights violations, terms like "apartheid", "colonialist", and "ethnic cleansing" refer to Israel 10 times more than any other country in the top ten of those associated with these terms on Twitter, including countries like China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea.

Shira Ruderman, CEO of the Roderman Family Foundation, said in response to the findings that "the research initiated and carried out by the NCRI reveals the enormous extent of the influence that social networks have and their ability to influence public discourse. This study focused on the antisemitic and anti-Zionist discourse and established the connection between the discourse on the Internet and its influence in the real world. In addition, the fact that Israel is measured differently from the rest of the countries of the world and according to standards with double morals requires us to put the issue on the agenda and insist on a change in the world arena. This issue crosses political borders and worldviews, and this is an opportunity for the elected officials from both sides to condemn and denounce the phenomenon as one, without any difference to one side or the other."

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