Biden has been very distant & critical of Prime Minister Netanyahu (@EdMorrissey)

A recent editorial published by the Wall Street Journal which goes by the title “What Does Biden Have Against Israel”, claims that the White House’s treatment of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu is worse than the way the Islamic Republic of Iran and its leaders are treated.

The article asks “Why does President Biden go out of his way to snub, criticize and give marching orders to the government of Israel? At least rhetorically, the President and his Administration treat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his governing coalition worse than they do the ruling mullahs in Iran.”

The WSJ Editorial Board piece adds that “When Mr. Netanyahu was most vulnerable, in late March, Mr. Biden needlessly decreed that Israel ‘cannot continue down this road’ on judicial reform”, noting that “the Prime Minister had already changed course and agreed to moderate the reforms, a domestic Israeli affair in which the US President has no business. Mr. Nides publicly instructed Mr. Netanyahu, as if with his chauffeur, to ‘pump the brakes.’”

“This is no way to treat a democratic ally,” argues the editorial, while further claiming that “the President’s Israel policy has been counterproductive. US aid to anti-Israel international bodies has resumed, and all of the West Bank and East Jerusalem is treated as ‘occupied territory.’ This is now a liberal article of faith, but how does it advance peace to indulge Palestinians in the belief that Jews are interlopers in Judea and at the Western Wall?”

The editorial goes on to list Biden’s other diplomatic failures in the Middle East, including, based on the article, abandoning the Abraham Accords, keeping Saudi Arabia favorable to the West, and forcing it instead to deepen its relations with China. It also noted the Biden administration’s promises about a better nuclear deal with Iran, which are all gone with no expectation of resuming any time soon.

The opinion expressed by the Wall Street Journal comes as the White House officially announced Thursday evening that President Isaac Herzog is expected to visit as part of his trip to the United States next week to mark Israel's 75th anniversary. During the visit, Herzog will meet with President Biden and deliver a speech at a joint meeting of Congress.

The White House announced that "US President Joe Biden will host Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog at the White House on July 18, and the leaders will discuss issues including Israel's regional integration and Russia's military ties with Iran. President Biden will emphasize to President Herzog the importance of the democratic values ​​shared by Israel and the United States."

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