Video capture of Lebanese media coverage of the incursion into Israel

The Hezbollah terrorist organization continues to strengthen the conflict with Israel. After a militant speech by the Organization's Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah, and the theft of Israel Defense Forces security cameras situated on top of a monitoring post on the fence, journalists and a Lebanese member of parliament arrived during the Sabbath at the village of Ghajar, crossed the Israeli border and confronted IDF soldiers who fired shots to disperse the protests and the development of an event that echoes Hezbollah's agenda against Israel.

Eighteen Lebanese arrived at the border, in front of the eyes of United Nations International Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL) soldiers who did nothing to stop them, entered into Israeli territory. The IDF soldiers tried to push them back to Lebanon and when they did not respond they responded by firing smoke grenades.

"There is no so-called line of retreat, nor red lines in front of the occupied parts of our country," Lebanese Parliament Member Kassem Hachem told the “Al-Manar” news channel following the Israeli response, "We have the right to reach our territories. This is the least we can do to clarify the identity of the territory, this one being Lebanese." The area was taken over by Israel after the Second Lebanon War, a move the United Nations and most of the international community have supported.

The journalists there, mostly belonging to Hezbollah's various news channels, reported being suffocated by tear gas intended to drive them back to Lebanon. Ali Shaieb, a reporter for the “Al-Manar” network, who is known to be close to Hassan Nasrallah, reported on the incident and wrote, "The enemy attacked the members of parliament and a number of journalists during a patrol inside the line of retreat in Sheba Farm. This is where the equation of deterrence and protection begins."

This act of provocation comes after Lebanon submitted an official complaint to the United Nations about Israel's occupation and annexation of the village of Ghajar.

The event on Saturday joined the provocation made by Hezbollah operatives in the Mount Dov area near the wall erected by Israel along the fence route last Wednesday when they attempted to blow up a portion of the fence. Three Hezbollah operatives were injured as a result of a warning device planted by Israel. In the Metula area, Hezbollah operatives removed security cameras, lit a fire, and fired random shots into Israel.

The events near the village of Ghajar are being carried out on the orders of Hassan Nasrallah "We have the ability to return the lands of Ghajar with the cooperation of the resistance and the Lebanese people", he said in his last speech to mark the day of the Second Lebanon War.

The wall that Israel built near the village, among other things, helps eliminate the drug smuggling phenomenon also orchestrated by Hezbollah. Weapons and drugs have passed through the northern breach for years and the profits have flowed into Hezbollah's coffers.

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