Avi Benlolo and Ambassador David Friedman (Photo: @Avibenlolo Twitter)

Avi Benlolo, the founder of the organization that was established to fight anti-Semitism and strengthen Israel's ties to the Arab world in a post-Abraham Accord world, says that the Accords completely changed the region.  Benlolo went so far as to say the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no more.

"The campaign of the BDS (Boycott Divestment & Sanction) movement has failed, no one believes the detractors who call Israel an 'apartheid state,' the Abraham Accords rendered the Palestinian veto meaningless, Israel is no longer isolated in the region, and there is no longer an Israeli-Palestinian conflict." These are the five facts that Israel's opponents need to accept as reality, According to Avi Benlolo, the founder, chairman, and CEO of the Abraham Global Peace Initiative.

Benlolo has entered unchartered waters by making a statement claiming that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict no longer exists, especially labeling it as fact and not opinion. However, his words do reflect the feeling many Israelis have, that the long nightmare of a Palestinan movement that was based on more fiction than fact is in fact, waning. "We must make it clear in the West that the old and disparaging claims against Israel are no longer relevant," he said at the Jerusalem Post's annual conference in New York.

"The truth is this: since the creation of the Abraham Accords, the reality of the Jewish state stands in complete contrast to the narrative of its opponents." He explained that many Arabs and Jews, whom he met in Israel while filming the initiative's new documentary, said that there is a profound change and that coexistence is becoming more and more acceptable. On the other hand, abroad the road is not easy, according to him, and anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are still all over.

The Abraham Accords Global Peace Initiative is an organization that focuses on promoting the Abraham Accords and fighting anti-Semitism. The organization promotes Holocaust education and works especially in Israel and Canada. "In the last two weeks, the Jewish community of Canada was shocked to discover that a government adviser was actually anti-Semitic," he said. "The Department of Canadian Heritage hired him despite the vile expressions that appeared in his tweets. Individual anti-semitism is bad, but unfortunately, there is worse.”

"The New Democratic Party (NDP), the third largest party in Canada, has announced that it is changing its policy regarding Israel," he continued. "The leader of the party wrote in a letter: 'The policy of the liberal government... is more than disappointing.'"

According to Benlolo, the new rhetoric is extremely dangerous. The NDP, unlike many voices that oppose Israel, significantly influences the Canadian government. "We need to start clarifying that those who oppose Israel, those who slander it and slander it, are using outdated rules of the game," he concluded.

"They say that in the Middle East changes happen slowly, but they are even slower here, in the US and Canada."

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