Prime Minister Yair Lapid Will Deliver His Remarks To The UN Wednesday

Prime Minister Yair Lapid has landed in New York ahead of the annual United Nations General Assembly. At the height of his first political visit as Prime Minister to the United Nations, he will speak on behalf of the State of Israel at the annual assembly.

Lapid is scheduled to have a series of meetings on the sidelines of the 'festivities', among other things he is expected to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan later today. This will be the first meeting between an Israeli prime minister and Erdogan since his meeting with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert over 13 years ago.

The meeting between Lapid and Erdogan was announced after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs approved the appointment of Irit Lilian as the designated ambassador in Ankara. If the appointment is approved by the government, she will be the first woman in the position.

The Prime Minister will meet with Erdogan at the offices of the Turkish House in New York and will discuss with him the presence of Hamas in Turkey. In addition, Lapid is also expected to meet with the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis, and with King Abdullah II of Jordan.

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister is scheduled to meet with heads of Jewish organizations from all streams of Judaism, after which he will meet with the new British Prime Minister Liz Truss, who took office about two weeks ago, just days before Queen Elizabeth II passed.

It should be noted that there may be additional spontaneous meetings with leaders who will be in attendance during the opening week. However, a meeting with the President of the United States Joe Biden will not take place due to Lapid's desire to return to Israel for his son's wedding.

On Thursday, Lapid is expected to give a speech at the United Nations, but the exact hour will only be announced on Wednesday night or Thursday morning. He will be the first prime minister among those arriving at the rally to address the UN. The speech is expected to be between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM NY time. Check back with The Judean on Wednesday for updates on times.

As soon as the speech is over, the Prime Minister will rush to the airport in order to make it to his son's wedding, which is to take place on Friday. Lapid wrote the speech himself, part of it will deal with the Iranian threat but not exclusively. Most of Lapid’s staff have not seen his speech, this indicates the importance of the speech and his desire to make sure it is not leaked prior to him speaking the words to the delegates in New York.

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