Iran sent nuclear material to Yemen & Al Qaeda now has it

On Monday it was reported in Israeli and Saudi Arabian media that a shipment of nuclear material that was reportedly refined to 60% was being sent from the Iranian regime to terrorists in Yemen. Alarmingly, the shipment was intercepted by Al Qaeda causing many in the west to scramble. This morning, the Iranian-backed Houthi newspaper in Yemen "Al Khawaja", blasted Israel and Saudi Arabia for the reporting, alleging that the story is a prelude to an invasion by both countries. 

The Houthi paper stated: "The publication in the Zionist and Saudi media constitutes a preparatory step for the escalation of the occupation coalition in Yemen led by Saudi Arabia." They further claimed the intention of Israel and Saudi Arabia is to renew the airstrikes against their forces, even possibly using nuclear warheads against them.

The uranium cargo intended for "Ansar al Allah", the political arm of the Houthis, who control the capital Sana'a and nearby areas, reached Al-Qaeda in the central area of ​​Al Bayda, leading to Sana'a. In this area live tribes that support the Sunni terrorist organization which was officially disbanded after the coalition attacks with the aid of the US, along with the confrontation with the Houthis themselves. 

The Houthi paper also claimed falsely that "Maariv", the Israeli paper that reported the story first, is financed by the Saudis and the United Arab Emirates and this is the first time that uranium has been added to the list of weapons that Iran is accused of transferring to Yemen. 

The Iranian-supported paper went as far as claiming that Al-Qaeda is in bed with both the Saudis and Israel. According to them, Al-Qaeda and the other terrorist organizations are ideologically and organically linked to the coalition attacking Yemen and which Israel participates in it.

It is also claimed that in view of the failure of the current coalition, it may use nuclear weapons in its war against Yemen, and news published in "Maariv" is nothing more than an attempt to justify its crimes in advance. According to Huthis, the information revealed is part of the UAE's takeover of Yemen's islands and ports "in the service of Israel or through Israeli mercenaries."

Hussein Al Azzi, the deputy foreign minister of Sana'a, said: "There is no justification for the use of foreign mercenaries in the attempts of the United Arab Emirates to continue their illegal stay in Yemen." He warned them against "doing cheap services for the Israeli enemy", which would justify a renewed attack against the Emirates.

Sources in Saudi Arabia, refused to play along with the narrative that a broad Arab-Zionist coalition is actively working for the Houthi's destruction. Nevertheless, it has been noted on numerous occasions that Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the UAE have similar interests in Yemen. The fact that Iran had sent radioactive material to the Houthis in the first place indicates an escalation. The material can be used in a dirty bomb that could devastate cities if they are used.

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