The New York Times calls for US to thwart Netanyahu's government

The editorial board of the "New York Times" published on Saturday a harsh message for the State of Israel, warning against the apparent religious-right government led by Prime Minister Designate, Benjamin. The editorial sharply criticized the apparent nature of the expected government as well as the composition of its ministers.

In the piece, the Times' editorial board writes: "Netanyahu's government constitutes a significant threat to the future of Israel, the direction it is going, its security, and even regarding the idea of ​​a Jewish homeland." In a massive overstep, the Times called on the Biden administration to take a stand against the government. Despite its claims of being a 'pro-Israel' editorial board, the NYT’s version of acceptance of Zionism is only valid for left-leaning solutions to the Arab-Israeli conflict such as a Two-State Solution while their version of Democracy is one where the candidates they deem acceptable win. 

The paper further claimed that "the far-right government that will soon come to power, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, marks a qualitative and worrying break with all other governments in Israel's 75-year history. While Netanyahu clearly has the support of the Israeli electorate, his coalition's victory was narrow and cannot be seen as a broad mandate for concessions to ultra-religious and ultra-nationalist parties that put the ideal of a democratic Jewish state in danger."

The newspaper noted they have been “a strong supporter of Israel and the two-state solution for many years, and we remain committed to this support. Antisemitism is on the rise worldwide, and at least some of the criticism of Israel is the result of such hatred." 

“Netanyahu's government, on the other hand, constitutes a significant threat to Israel's future - its direction, its security, and even the idea of ​​a Jewish homeland. First, the government's position could make it militarily and politically impossible for a two-state solution to ever be created."

"Moderate forces in Israeli politics and civil society are already planning a spark of opposition to legislation that would reduce the powers of the Israeli Supreme Court or the rights of the Arab minority or the LGBT community. They deserve the support of the Israeli public and the Biden administration." 

By recognizing the fairness of the Israeli elections and still calling for the Biden administration to do something, the New York Times essentially is calling for the United States to meddle in global democratic processes in the name of liberalism.

"While the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations have long since been forgotten, the principle of achieving two states one day remains the basis for American and Israeli cooperation. Hopes for a Palestinian state have dimmed under the combined pressure of Israeli resistance and Palestinian corruption, incompetence, and internal divisions. Anything that undermines the democratic ideals of Israel - whether complete annexation of Jewish settlements or legalization of illegal settlements and outposts - will undermine the possibility of a two-state solution."

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