Nasrallah spoke slowly & coughed repeatedly during his speech

The Secretary General of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, spoke Tuesday evening for the first time since the rumors of his deteriorating health. Despite much vocal resistance to the new Israeli government in the Arab world, Nasrallah seemed to avoid a direct violent confrontation with Israel in his words. 

At the beginning of the speech he addressed his sickness and said that "I want to reassure you, I have seen the statements in the Israeli media and in the Gulf countries - there is no reason for concern." Nasrallah then explained he has been "suffering from sensitivity in the trachea for 30 years." Nasrallah delivered his speech in a slow and methodical manner, pausing frequently to cough. At times, he had to repeat his words, beginning sentences again. The focus of his words centered around the 3-year anniversary of the assassination of former Iranian Quds Force commander, Qasem Soleimani, as well as the new Israeli government.

Nasrallah stated that "over the course of almost two decades, Soleimani took command of the Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards, which deals with the Jihad ideal in our region, with his main address being Jerusalem." Nasrallah continued to praise Soleimani, saying: "Soleimani had three positive components - his personality characterized by honesty, he was one of the natural candidates for the presidency of the Islamic Republic, and he preferred to stay on the front line."

The Hezbollah chief continued his words of praise for Soleimani and added: "He did not ask for anything and was a passionately religious man. Soleimani had intelligence, wisdom, management skills, brilliance, and an enormous ability to deal with difficulties. He was a soldier of the state, and this is what he wanted to write on his grave."

Then, in a turn where he slammed moderate Arab states who have pivoted to Israel and cooperated with America, Nasrallah said that America with the help of Israel is robbing the Middle East of its natural resources. "We all know that there is an American project with fixed goals in our region. The project includes elements of control, hegemony, taking over the oil, gas, and natural resources, and at the heart of the American project in the region is Israel." 

According to him, "Qasem Soleimani was a pillar in front of the American project with his personal abilities, and what he represented. If we link the Iraqi resistance to the strength of Iran, Syria and the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine, it seems that the first American project ended in failure." 

Nasrallah also spoke of the ascension of Israel’s Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, to the Temple Mount and said: "I join the voice of resistance in Palestine, to say that if Al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy sites of Islam are damaged by these people, it will not only lead to an explosion of the situation inside Palestine, but in the entire region, our people will not tolerate this aggression. We say to all the countries of the world - if you do not want war in the region, you must restrain these crazy extremists."

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