U.S. Secretary Of State Antony Blinken is set to arrive at the end of January

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will make a diplomatic visit to Israel later this month, during which he will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The visit will take place amid the American administration's fear of the policies Israel's new right-wing government will enact.

Blinken, who is expected to arrive at the end of the month, is supposed to prepare for Netanyahu's visit to Washington next month, as well as to understand in depth where the Israeli government is headed. The Biden Administration is worried about the latest developments, with an emphasis on the visit of the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir to the Temple Mount, which was perceived by them as an unnecessary provocation, as well as the consequences of the reform of the Minister of Justice Yariv Levin on the entirety of Israeli democracy.

Just before Blinken’s visit, US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, is expected to arrive in Israel, for a series of policy talks with Netanyahu and his ministers. Both Sullivan and Blinken will try to coordinate with Netanyahu and his ministers on the most sensitive issues at hand such as Iran, the PA, and the Palestinian attempts to transfer the conflict to The Hague.

Blinken's visit will be the first diplomatic visit hosted by incoming Foreign Minister Eli Cohen after speaking with Mr. Blinken just last week. In the conversation, the US Secretary of State congratulated the Minister of Foreign Affairs on his assumption of office, and reiterated the "uncompromising commitment of the United States to the security and prosperity of the State of Israel,” but also noted that the Biden administration is also committed to a two-state solution, and opposes any policy that would jeopardize the achievement of that goal.

Similar things were said by the President of the United States Joe Biden in a message he published after the swearing-in of the government led by Netanyahu. "I look forward to working with Netanyahu, my friend for decades, to deal together with the many challenges and opportunities facing Israel and the Middle East - including the threats from Iran." On the other hand, Biden noted that the United States will continue to support the two-state solution and oppose policies that endanger its viability.

After Ben Gvir’s ascension to Temple Mount, the US Embassy in Israel issued a condemnation. "Ambassador Naides was very clear in talks with the Israeli government on the issue of maintaining the status quo at the holy sites in Jerusalem. Actions that prevent this are unacceptable," said the embassy spokesman.

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