Zelensky has a list of 'loyalty' demands before Israel's Foreign Minister visits.

Ahead of Foreign Minister Eli Cohen's upcoming visit to Kyiv, Ukraine has submitted a series of requests to Israel, the first of which is a demand for public condemnation of the Russian invasion, and a public statement in favor of Ukraine's territorial integrity, this is according to a report issued by the Israeli “Walla” news wire. This demand comes despite the fact Israel has repeatedly voted against Russia in the United Nations when it came to resolutions regarding Ukraine, whereas Ukraine still votes against Israel on most UN General Assembly votes.

Additionally, it was also reported that Ukrainian officials demanded a loan of half a billion dollars. Minister Cohen's upcoming visit to Kyiv will be the first of an Israeli minister to the capital of Ukraine since the Russian invasion. A senior Ukrainian official said that the degree of responsiveness to Ukraine's requests during Cohen's visit will testify to Israel's sincerity and intentions. “Walla” also reported that the Ukrainians requested that Israel express support for the peace plan presented a few weeks ago by President Zelensky, which includes amongst other issues a Russian withdrawal from all of Ukraine’s territory.

It should be noted, just last this week it was reported in Israel that the Netanyahu government is re-examining the Israeli policy towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the possibility of supplying defensive weapon systems to Ukraine. This comes after an extended period of time in which Israel refused to arm Ukraine, in favor of their solid relationship with the Russian Federation.

Shortly after Benyamin Netanyahu returned to the position of Prime Minister, he directed a re-examination of Israeli policy towards the war between Russia and Ukraine, to try and seek more efficient ways to express its solidarity without harming its military-needed relations with Russia.

According to Israeli officials, the policy review is carried out under the leadership of the National Security Headquarters in the Prime Minister's Office with the involvement of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mossad.

During Netanyahu’s visit to France a few days ago, he spoke of indirect ways in which Israel is helping Ukraine, such as attacking Iran. “We operate independently against Iran at different levels, but this activity is also systematically aimed at degrading or harming Iran's capabilities against us; But of course, it also harms Iran's capabilities or reduces them in relation to other arenas,” Netanyahu said.

A Ukrainian official quoted in the report says a potential meeting between Cohen and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky depends on Israel’s willingness to take steps in Kyiv’s favor. “The president won’t meet Cohen for a photo-op.”

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