Supplies being loaded for earthquake relief (Photo: IDF)

After Israel confirmed they have sent aid packages across the border to Syria amid the ongoing rescue operation of civilians affected by the earthquake, officials of the Arab nation are refusing to recognize the help given by the “Zionist entity”.

The Syrian Foreign Minister, Faisal Makdad, was interviewed by the Lebanese "Al-Mayadeen" network on Tuesday, which is connected to the Hezbollah organization, and referred to the report that Israel is preparing to continue helping Syria following the deadly earthquake that occurred this week. This, was after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that "an appeal was received from a political entity to help Syria" and he assumed that humanitarian aid would also be transferred there. 

According to him, "Syria does not recognize Israel and does not consider it a state, but calls it the Zionist entity. It is an ally of ISIS, Jabhat Al-Nusra, and other terrorist organizations. While the Zionist entity talks about aid to Syria, it is the cause of the troubles, wars, and tensions in the country."

As mentioned, Israel sent aid missions to the areas affected by the strong earthquake in southern Turkey and Syria. Prime Minister Netanyahu said that "this is how we behave around the world, and this is how we behave in our neighborhood as well.”  Netanyahu added that a request was also received from a political entity in Syria to help and that the aid being sent was not simply voluntarily out of good faith.

At the same time, the Israeli Ministry of Health instructed the hospitals to prepare for the provision of medical aid to Turkey and to prepare for the supply of medical equipment whenever there is a decision of the government on the matter. If necessary, the Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will lead the medical delegation as needed.

Also, MDA Director Eli Bin addressed the president of the Turkish Red Crescent, Dr. Kinik, and offered humanitarian and medical assistance. "We are following closely and with concern the results of the earthquake in southern Turkey. I would like to strengthen our commitment and assure you that Magen David Adom is at your disposal for any assistance that may be required," stated Bin. 

The MDA added that the professional elements in the organization are closely monitoring the results and damages of the earthquake disaster in Turkey and the MDA teams are prepared to provide any assistance that may be required and in an immediate manner.

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