File image of Israel's F35-Stealth Fighter Jet (Photo: Israel Air Force - Twitter)

The official Syrian, government-funded, television channel reported Sunday morning on an Israeli attack against several targets in the Masyaf area of ​​the Hama district in the north-western part of the country, along with another attack in the Tartus district. The "Sham F AM" radio station reported on explosions that were heard in the area of ​​Masyaf, where a missile development and precision factory of the Syrian defense industries is located, both of which are associated with the Iranian military.

A Syrian military official said that the attack happened around 06:15 AM, an unusual time compared to the other attacks attributed to Israel so far, as it took place in broad daylight. "The Israeli enemy attacked from the air with missiles from the direction of northern Lebanon several targets in the district of Tartus and Hama. The air defense systems acted against the enemy's missiles and shot down several of them. The attack led to the injury of three military personnel and caused damage." The source's announcement did not specify the target of the attack in Masyaf, which is common for Syrian officials when speaking of Israeli attacks.

In recent days, several cargo flights arriving from Iran to Syria have been detected. The flights from Iran to Syria are defined as those that bring humanitarian equipment to Syria since the severe earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria, however, Israeli intelligence defined much of the cargo as ammunition and non-humanitarian aid.

A missile development and precision center is located in Masyaf in the Hama district. The center, which belongs to the Syrian Defense Industries, has been attacked many times in the past. This is one of the three centers for scientific research of the defense industries, along with A-Safir in the region of Aleppo and Jamrayah, northwest of Damascus. The site in Masyaf is relatively close to the Lebanon Valley, the area where, according to Arab publications, Hezbollah's missile precision factories are located, and therefore close to Hezbollah's operational and logistical rear.

The Syrians reported last week that an Israeli attack disabled the airport in the city of Aleppo, after targeting the only runway there. Israel warned about three weeks ago that Iran was planning to disguise shipments of munitions as humanitarian shipments, and announced that it would not hesitate to attack such shipments.

Satellite images published last Wednesday of the attack in Aleppo showed two hits on the runway, and vehicles near small craters on the runway, which indicates the activity carried out to repair the damage. On Thursday, the airport reopened for traffic.

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