The Syrian Center for Monitoring Human Rights, an opposition organization based in London, reported between Sunday and Monday that Israel shelled a Hezbollah observation post near the Syrian border with Israel. According to the report, more than 20 shells were fired at a position located west of the Khader village in the Quneitra district. No injuries were reported.

According to the report, the bombed position is manned by militiamen affiliated with Hezbollah, and it was also bombed a week ago. The monitoring center said that the previous shelling was in response to the fact that Iranian militias were monitoring the movements of IDF forces from Syrian territory. One of the residents of Majdal Shams in the Israeli Golan Heights near the border told Israeli reporters that he heard loud explosions throughout the night. "We saw the flashes of gunfire in the direction of Ein Altina on the border in front of the village," he said.

After the attack that was attributed to Israel, the Israeli Air Force distributed flyers early in the morning to the Syrian residents in the area which unusually revealed the image of a senior Hezbollah operative, Tarek Maher, in charge of the Shia terrorist organization's intelligence headquarters in the Syrian Golan Heights. Through the leaflets, the residents were warned not to cooperate with him. Hezbollah, it should be noted, is working to establish itself in this area under the auspices of the Syrian army, through operatives, the placement of observation, and combat equipment.

The flyers that the IDF distributed to the Syrian residents read, among other things: "We are aware of and monitor the continued intelligence cooperation with Hezbollah in the frontline positions. You are responsible for the cooperation with Hezbollah. Your cooperation will lead to harm." Attached to the leaflets was a photo of that senior Hezbollah official, and it is claimed that he is seen patrolling the Syrian Golan region alongside Lua Samer Aldana, the head of Syrian intelligence.

At the same time, it was reported tonight that air defense systems were activated at the Iranian Air Force base in Isfahan. However, the report has not yet been verified and according to the Persian-language BBC, the Iranian news network "Sabereen" denied that any attack had taken place in the area. In recent years, a number of attacks in Iran have been attributed to Israel, and in January of this year, Tehran accused Israel of using drones to attack a security facility in Isfahan.

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