Over 200 guns and 100kg of gold were seized (@AvivaKlompas - Twitter)

A Jordanian member of parliament, Imad Adwan, who was arrested Sunday at the Allenby bridge between Jordan and Israel on suspicion of smuggling a large number of weapons and gold, was interrogated by the Shin Bet, which is trying to track down the recipients of the smuggled weapons. It is believed that this was not the first time that a member of the Jordanian parliament has carried out smuggling operations.

A video in which Adwan is seen praising the "Palestinian resistance organizations, led by Hamas and the Hamas spokesman Abu Obeidah, went viral on social networks. In the video, the member of parliament called for the expulsion of Israel's ambassador to Jordan and the dismissal of the Jordanian ambassador residing in Israel: "While our children in the Gaza Strip are shedding their blood, he sits and eats with members of the Zionist entity."

Adwan is very popular on social networks and praised by both Jordanians and Palestinian nationalists. Some of the references to the video read the title "Hero MP", as a sign of support for his words. Many Twitter accounts of residents of Jordan and the Palestinian Authority congratulate Imad on the fact that "there is a commandment to give weapons to the Palestinians in their war against the Zionist occupation." Other tweets mentioned the historical support of the Jordanian Bedouin tribes in arming the Palestinians against the State of Israel.

Jordan states that they are working for the release of Adwan, who will probably be released at the end of the investigation so as not to create a diplomatic crisis between Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom. In Jordan, they refer only to the matter of the arrest and so far they have not condemned the smuggling of the many weapons, about 200 pistols and m-16 rifles, which the member of parliament tried to smuggle into Israel.

The expectation of condemnation is probably far from reality when considering the Bedouin tribe to which the member of parliament belongs. The tribe of the member of parliament published a proclamation in which they were proud of his actions and called for his immediate release. "We put our trust in God and the Jordanian government to free our family member from the hands of the Zionists," sources from the MP's family said.

The spokesman of the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sinan Al-Majali, announced that Jordan is monitoring the arrest of the member of parliament. He said that "the ministry, in cooperation with the relevant authorities in the kingdom, is working to find out the situation and is looking for ways to deal with the member of parliament as soon as possible."

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