Israel Police searching for the shooter who injured one

A 28-year-old man was moderately injured Tuesday morning after being shot by a Palestinian terrorist near the British Police intersection located in the Benjamin Regional Council in Samaria. According to the reports, a shot was fired from a passing Palestinian-licensed vehicle, while two runners accompanied by vehicles were passing by, running in memory of the fallen Israel Defense Forces soldiers on Israel’s solemn Memorial Day.

Upon receiving the report, Israeli security forces began conducting searches in the area in an attempt to reach the suspected gunman before he entered the heart of the Palestinian-run cities. In the footage taken just moments before the attack, the young man is seen running alongside another person. One of them was carrying the Israeli flag.

The report of the shooting was received at Magen David Adom's (MDA) emergency number in the Jerusalem area at 09:34 AM. MDA reported that the wounded man was fully conscious, and he was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. Senior MDA medic Shaul Malka, who was there at the time of the incident, said  "They shouted to me when I arrived that there was a terrorist attack. I immediately approached the scene and saw the injured man sitting in a car wounded and bleeding from his hand, I was told that while running he was shot, and a driver of a car passing by stopped and put him in the back seat of the car. He was fully conscious with a gunshot wound to the hand. I put him in the ambulance and evacuated him while treating him to join our intensive care mobile."

An emergency medical medic from the MDA's motorcycle unit Shmuel Harel and MDA paramedic Eden Cohen, who also arrived at the scene of the attack, said: "When we arrived at the scene, we saw a 28-year-old man fully conscious and suffering from a hand injury, we gave him the medical treatment that included medication for pain and stopping bleeding and bandages And we evacuated him to the hospital when his condition is moderate and stable."

An IDF spokesman stated that "a shooting attack was carried out from a passing vehicle at an Israeli citizen at the British police intersection, in the Benjamin area. The citizen was injured by the shooting and was taken to the hospital for medical treatment. IDF forces have launched a pursuit of the terrorist and are deploying roadblocks in the area." The terrorist attack within the West Bank comes less than a day after the horrific car-ramming attack near Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem.”

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