Ultra-Orthodox Jews at the Derech-Emunah Community in Samaria (Twitter)

The Ultra-orthodox Jewish communities have largely been against Zionism and the formation of a Jewish state in the land of Israel, on the basis that only direct heavenly intervention and the coming of Messiah would have the authority to declare the renewal of Jewish sovereignty. However, in recent years many younger ultra-orthodox organizations and leaders have been advocating for the State of Israel, using Torah commandments and Talmudic verdicts to strengthen their claims; much like religious Zionists have done over the last 150 years.

The most prominent organization in the field is the "Zion Holiness Association", which defines itself as "the ultra-Orthodox association for Zion's demand for the purity of the holy place", and it turns out that it is sweeping many into its ranks. One of the organization’s largest projects took place in Gush Etzion last year when a number of black-hatted Jews built a temporary illegal outpost. During the Summer of 2022, the establishment of the outpost took place near the permanent settlement of Misad, which belongs to the Gush Etzion regional council. 

In photos published on the Zion Holiness Association’s website, a sort of ultra-Orthodox version of pioneering religious Zionist youth could be seen; Between the dilapidated buildings, yeshiva boys were seen paving roads, a young man was seen riding a donkey wearing a suit, and a black hat. For the first time, ultra-Orthodox were seen clinging to the hill, building wooden houses overnight, and improvising electricity and water. Perhaps in an attempt to transmit a mainstream message, the settlers gave the outpost the name "Derech Emunah", after the book of Rabbi Haim Kanievsky, the great ultra-orthodox Lithuanian rabbi. The outpost was dismantled just four days after its establishment, and further attempts to establish it were thwarted by Israeli police and military forces who deemed it illegal.

Yehuda Epstein, the chairman of the association, spoke with “Makor Rishon” reporters about the humble beginnings of his Zionist efforts: "Eight years ago, we met in a synagogue a group of graduates of Adrat Eliyahu, members of the Orthodox Jews for Judea and Samaria organization and other people who held the issue of the Land of Israel close to their hearts. We talked about the fact that on Jerusalem Day a prayer is said in all the ultra-Orthodox synagogues, and we realized that we should start raising the issue. We didn't have a budget, so we distributed an information leaflet by email. The very next day it circulated in print. That evening, someone approached me at a wedding I was at and donated thousands of shekels for the publication of the leaflet. That's how we started spreading Zionism in the ultra-orthodox concentrations."

Today, a monthly magazine is published and distributed with about ten thousand copies in various ultra-Orthodox communities. Along with a section called " The Torah’s opinion", which is intended to prove the positive attitude towards Zionism of ultra-Orthodox Torah greats, it contains political and topical discussions, reports, historical reviews, and articles from rabbis and members of the association that pose a polemical challenge to anti-Zionist orthodoxy.

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