A 2021 Islamic Jihad poster threatening Israel over Al Aqsa

In a series of statements made by officials from the Islamic Jihad within the Palestinian Authority, history is being twisted as the Jihadists vow to end the “Jewdification” of the Al-Aqsa mosque which for centuries, has been believed to be built directly on top of Solomon’s and Herod's Temple complex. Tarek Salimi, the spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, said after Israel’s Independence Day that "Israel's threats will not deter the Palestinian struggle organizations, and they will continue to adhere to their commitment to respond to the actions of the "occupation".

In an interview with the Palestinian news agency Ma'an, Salimi said that "the Palestinian struggle organizations have imposed important rules of the game against the occupation, according to which a bomb will be answered with a bomb, an attack will be answered with an attack, therefore they are fully prepared to respond to any crime committed by the occupation and their fingers are on the trigger."

"Without a doubt, the occupation today is living in an internal crisis and it believes that Palestinian blood will be the bridge to reach the Israeli public in order to please it, but we stress to the occupation that it is impossible to solve the internal crises at the expense of Palestinian suffering, and the fighting organizations will follow and oppose this policy and frustrate it," Salimi further claimed.

According to him, "Gaza is not separate, and the Palestinian people conduct one campaign, if only one goal, against one occupation through the unity of the arenas and the geographical and political unity." The spokesman for the Islamic Jihad also emphasized that the Palestinian terrorist organizations will respond to any act of elimination carried out by Israel and it will not hesitate to protect the Palestinian people.

Ahmed Al-Mudlal, another member of the political bureau of the Islamic Jihad, added in a separate statement to Salimi’s words and said that "the issue of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem will remain the axis of conflict with the Zionist occupation. The Palestinian people will not allow the Zionist occupation to ‘Jewify’ the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build their imaginary Temple." It is important to note that as recent as the 1920's, Islamic pamphlets on the compound explained that the area was the site of Judaism's holy temples. 

It should be noted that Al-Mudlal’s clear antisemitic statements are also in complete contrast to all historical evidence, including Islamic scholars. The  Al-Aqsa mosque was deliberately built on top of the ruins of both the First and Second Temples and the Byzantine church that came after within the compound to symbolize the new Islamic rule over the ancient city of Jerusalem; making the ‘imaginary temple’ described by the Jihadist, in fact, very real.

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