The Iron Dome had an over 90% interception rate of Gaza rockets

The third round of combat in four years against the Islamic Jihad has ended with a ceasefire announced that began at 10:00 PM on Saturday. The Israel Defense Forces are moving into the summation phase of the five days of operational duty. In total, during the current operation, six senior Islamic Jihad officials were eliminated, 422 targets of the organization in the Gaza Strip were attacked and the “David’s Sling” kinetic warhead was used in action for the first time, intercepting two rockets, one over Gush Dan and the other over the Jerusalem mountains.

According to a preliminary investigation by the IDF, since the beginning of the operation, 1,469 rockets and missiles were launched from the Gaza Strip, of which 1,139 crossed into Israeli territory. 291 of the launches were unsuccessful, and 39 fell into the sea. 437 of the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome, and two as mentioned by David’s Sling. All things considered, the IDF estimates that the rate of interceptions was about 90%. As a result of the Jihad’s rocket launches, two people were murdered: Inga Abramian, in her 80s, who did not have time to reach the safe room in Rehoboth as she was wheeling her infirm husband into it; and Abdullah Abu Geba, a resident of Gaza who was killed Saturday while working within Israel.

Since the beginning of the operation, as mentioned, six senior members of the Islamic Jihad were killed. In the opening blow, Khalil Bahitini, the senior operational commander of the Jihad and the commander of the northern region of the Gaza Strip, and the successor of Taysir Jabari was killed. Tarek Ezz A-Din, who is responsible for directing the Jihad operations in the Gaza Strip; and Jihad Ghanam, the secretary of the Jihad Military Council were also struck by IDF firepower.

Later, during the operation, Iyad al-Hasani, also known as Abu Anas, who was in charge of the jihad operations and acting head of the military council, was eliminated in his safe apartment, along with Ali Hassan Raleigh, head of the Islamic Jihad's rocket Division; and Ahmad-Abu Daqa, Raleigh's deputy.

In total, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health, 33 people were killed in the operation, of which six were children and three were women. At least four of them, also according to Palestinian data, were killed as a result of failed jihad launches. 147 Palestinians were injured, 20 houses were destroyed and 940 housing units were damaged, of which 49 are now defined as "unfit for habitation". The initial estimates are that the total damage is estimated at about 5 million dollars.

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