Israel is hoping to not be caught in a war between Fatah & Hamas

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military arm of the Fatah movement under the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, is taking responsibility for a shooting attack in the north of Samaria in response to Israel Defense Forces attacks in the Gaza Strip. In a statement published by the organization, it was said that the shooting attacks were carried out in response to the "aggression of the Zionist enemy occupying the West Bank of the already freedmen and Gaza of the revolutionaries."

The organization took responsibility for two shooting attacks that were carried out after midnight between Saturday and Sunday at the military checkpoint in Beit Furik and in the Salem IDF camp; it should be noted that all the IDF soldiers returned to their base safely. "The Zionist enemy must know that we continue our attack and our struggle when we are united in the defense system for our heroic Palestinian people, even if we pay the price with our lives, and we will continue until victory or fall in the path of Allah," the statement said.

It was also stated in the Al-Aqsa Brigades announcement: "We will cripple and attack the Zionist enemy everywhere and in all arenas even in the heart of our soft being... Gaza is not alone... This is a revolution and an armed intifada until victory."  These messages coming out from Fatah, while unsurprising, are quite rare in recent years to the special position of their leader, Abu Mazen, who is considered a respected leader by most Western nations despite his direct ties to terrorism.

Most recently, violent clashes broke out between Hamas and Fatah supporters while attending prayer services on the Temple Mount compound. The rioters on behalf of Hamas hung a banner with the image of Muhammad Deif on it with the inscription "The real promise of liberation is coming".

After the shooting attack in Jerusalem carried out by a 15-year-old terrorist from the Nablus area a bit over a month ago, a Palestinian youth from Nablus was recorded standing on the Temple Mount with a flag of the Fatah movement while crowds surrounded him and threw stones, water bottles, and shoes at him. A conflict developed with Hamas supporters who worked with all their might to take down the yellow Fatah flag.

Hamas spokesman Hazem Kassem said at the time of the clash between Hamas and Fatah supporters that "Eid al-Fitr this year has a special meaning after the battle of our people in the month of Ramadan in all arenas, and facing the religious war waged by Israel in Jerusalem. The battle for the identity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque is still open and the conflict will not end."

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