The Islamic Jihad celebrating in Gaza Saturday Night

In the aftermath of Israel's Shield and Arrow Operation in Gaza, the Islamic Jihad and Hamas jointly declared victory against the “Zionist enemy”. This claim is faulty for a number of reasons such as the fact that Hamas completely avoided joining the Jihad during the operation. Perhaps the biggest fact behind their false claim of joint victory is that there were only two murdered casualties on the Israeli side of the fence; one an elderly Israeli resident of Rehoboth and the other an Arab resident of Gaza working in Israel.

Abdullah Abu-Gaba, a father of 6 children from Gaza who worked in Israel, was killed by shrapnel from a rocket fired from Gaza towards Israel the Gaza Strip. At first, the MDA team evacuated him to the Soroka Hospital when his condition was described as severe, but later they had to pronounce him dead. Besides Abu Geba, two other men were injured by that same rocket shrapnel and were also evacuated to the Soroka Hospital for further medical treatment.

Efraim Luzon, an emergency medicine medic at the MDA, said about the killing of Abu-Gaba: "We heard the sirens in the regional council and immediately entered a protected area. A few moments later we received a report from the call center about a number of casualties from a fall and immediately at the end of the barrage, we went to the scene with the ambulance while we were fully protected. The 2 wounded were lying in containers in an open area while they were conscious and suffering from shrapnel injuries in their bodies. We gave them life-saving medical treatment and, together with a military medical force, we evacuated them to Soroka Hospital when they were in serious condition."

As mentioned, Abu Gabba was the second person killed on the Israeli side as part of the Shield and Arrow operation, which came to an end Saturday evening. Also, it has been cleared for publication that the late Inga Abramian, a resident of Rehoboth in her 80s, was killed by the rocket that hit her city. The rocket fell last Thursday, directly hitting a residential building in the city, leaving tremendous destruction at the scene.

MDA paramedics, Guy Bobalil and Yehuda Ben Avraham, who managed the medical treatment said in Rehoboth said: "When we got to the street we saw a direct hit to the front of the building. Together with teams from the MDA and the firefighters and the police, we entered the building and carried out searches for casualties while other alarms sounded in our area. One of the casualties was unconscious and suffered from a very severe multi-system injury and we had no choice but to determine her death. There were 5 other casualties who were injured in a moderate and light manner from concrete wreckage and 2 PTSD victims who were rescued to the street and transferred to the large forces of the MDA ambulances who arrived at the scene and evacuated them for further treatment at the various hospitals."

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