(Photo: Elbit Systems Ltd.)

The Israeli Ministry of Defense signed an agreement with the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro for the supply of weapons, making this the third deal between the countries in recent years and comes amid a chain of arms deals between Israel and European countries in recent months.

The agreement was signed by the head of the Defense export division called 'Sibat' at the Ministry of Defense, Brigadier General (Res.) Yair Koles and the head of the procurement directorate of Montenegro held a ceremony at the Ministry of Defense in Israel to mark the special occasion. As part of the agreement, Elbit Systems will supply the Montenegrin Army with 120 mm mortars to be mounted on armored 4x4 vehicles, as well as training for combat soldiers and commanders at the Israel Industrial Engineering College. The scope of the deal is estimated at about 80 million NIS or about 20 million Euros.

Yair Koles said that "this is the third agreement between the Israeli Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro, since the tightening of security relations in 2019, and a great expression of confidence in the Israeli defense industry. Montenegro is a partner and ally of Israel, and like other countries in Europe, faces complex security challenges, that the Israeli defense industries know how to provide them with technological solutions at the highest level."

The CEO of the land division at Elbit Systems Udi Vered added that "Elbit Systems is proud to take part in the partnership between Israel and Montenegro. Elbit's solutions provide an optimal response to the growing needs in Europe. We are committed to providing products and professional service at the highest level to our partners and customers."

Just a number of weeks ago, it was reported by The Judean that Estonia had also signed a crucial arms deal with the IAI. The choice of Estonia in choosing the Israeli defense company was made at the end of an in-depth market research carried out by the Republic, in which they looked for a suitable system that meets all the criteria, including accuracy, the robustness of the armament systems, and the ability to strike against many targets at the same time. This is another achievement for the Israeli corporation and the strengthening of the company's relations with Estonia. In October 2021, the Estonian Center for Defense Investments signed a contract with Proteus Advanced Systems Ltd., a joint subsidiary of the Israeli Aerospace Industry, and ST Ground Systems Engineering Ltd., under which the Estonian security forces were equipped with surface-to-sea missiles.

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