Netanyahu, Levin & Chief Justice Esther Hayut

According to reports by multiple Israeli networks, in internal conversations with Likud members, Justice Minister Yariv Levin expresses his severe disappointment at the failure to advance the judicial reform, and according to party officials he even told some of his fellow Likud members that if the reform does not pass at the end of the negotiations happening at the President’s residence, he has nothing to look for in the Ministry of Justice and will step down from his position.

According to one report by “Israel Hayom”, a Likud MK who spoke with reporters at the news agency a few days ago claimed that Levin even said that if the coalition does not come out of the round of talks with an achievement regarding the committee for the appointment of judges, he will consider returning to serve only as a member of the Knesset; leaving his duties as Minister of Justice to another coalition member. Meanwhile, those close to Levin have denied these claims and say that he did not discuss this with any member of the Knesset and that he does necessarily hold that position.

In recent weeks, Levin has indeed changed his tone regarding the talks at the President's residence. A Likud source said that "Until two weeks ago, Levin said that the talks at the president's house were important and good. He praised them and said that it was good that they were taking place, and that if there were any achievements, he would be satisfied with that." However, "in the last week the tone has changed. Levin says that nothing good will come out of the president's house for the Likud. The opposition did not come with honest intentions and the judicial reform, or what is left of it, will only be damaged by the continuation of the talks."

Levin hasn’t only expressed this to “anonymous” Likud members. Last week Levin attacked MK Gideon Sa'ar from the podium of the Knesset and said: "You come out every moment with statements like 'If the coalition advances some law, we will withdraw from the talks'. What hypocrisy, what bullying is this? There is not a person in the country who does not see the truth now. Why behave as if it's your own country?” Levin also added: "We have stopped being innocent. We will fix the judicial system. We are not impressed by the mafia-like threats you make towards us."

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