An Israeli demolition squad prepares Farukh's home (Photo: IDF)

As midnight between Wednesday and Thursday was approaching, it was clear that there would be a significant event in Ramallah with the viral spreading and video reports showing the entry of a large amount of Israel Defense Forces and equipment. Indeed, shortly after midnight, the IDF spokesman announced that IDF and Israeli forces were working in the city to destroy the home of the terrorist who carried out the bus stop IED attack in Jerusalem last November. Within minutes, the Palestinian WhatsApp and Telegram channels were filled with videos about the entry of forces and the preparation for the demolition of the floor where he lived.

Early in the morning a strong explosion shook Ramallah and the floor in the Ramallah building where the terrorist lived was completely destroyed. This was the house of the terrorist Islam Farukh who placed the incendiary charges at the entrance to Jerusalem at the end of last year. The attack was a difficult and very worrying morning in Jerusalem because for the first time since the second intifada explosive devices were used to terrorize the civilians of Jerusalem.

The attack took place on November 23 in the early morning. An explosive device exploded at a bus station and half an hour later another device exploded not far away. It immediately emerged that the two were related. From the first explosive, two Jewish young men were killed. In addition, another 21 people were injured.

After the terrorist's arrest, his investigation revealed that he acted alone and learned to make explosives through the Internet. 26-year-old Islam Farokh from Kfar Aqab in East Jerusalem, who identifies with ISIS, was arrested about a week after the attack. And a few days later, an indictment was filed against him for acts of terrorism and murder.

During the relatively unusual raid in Ramallah, clashes developed between the IDF forces and the Palestinians who threw stones at them and lit bonfires on the road. According to the Palestinians, during the operation, the IDF shot a photojournalist with a rubber bullet, named Moamen Samrin, who was seriously injured.

An IDF spokesperson stated that "during the activity, violent disturbances developed in several locations, during which suspects threw stones, and threw Molotov cocktails and explosives at the forces. The IDF force responded with measures to disperse demonstrations and live fire, hits were detected. There are no casualties to our forces." 

In addition, an announcement was also made tonight about the future demolition of the terrorist Maher Shalon's house from the Aqat Jaber camp near Jericho. Shalon carried out the shooting attack in which Ilan Ganels, an American citizen, was murdered in the north of the Jordan Valley. Shalon's family can still appeal the decision until June 12.

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