Yoav Gallant & Lloyd Austin (Photo: Ariel Hermoni/Israel Ministry of Defense)

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant will meet Thursday afternoon with US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. The meeting will be held in Europe and not in the United States due to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's refusal to allow ministers in his government to fly to meetings with government officials in Washington until he receives an invitation to the White House that has not come in the six months since taking office.

Gallant and Austin will discuss the Iranian threat, but the defense minister is not expected to focus on Israel's fear of the nuclear agreement because he believes that the decision on the issue has already been made in Washington, and therefore does not want to "waste" the conversation on it. The two are also expected to engage in strengthening military cooperation between the countries and in the continuation of joint exercises.

Later in the meeting, Gallant will present to Austin the growing Iranian involvement in the region, including in Gaza and the territories of the Palestinian Authority. In addition, he will deal with the importance of projecting American-Israeli power abroad, with the aim of conveying to the Iranians that both countries have a reliable military option.

Gallant is also expected to talk to Austin about the importance of maintaining Israel's military advantage, in the shadow of the changes in the Middle East. In Israel, it is estimated that Austin will emphasize to Gallant the importance of calming the territory in the Palestinian arena, as he did in their previous conversations, along with urging both sides to conduct new discussions that would promote the Two-State Solution.

The meeting will be held in the presence of the head of the political-security division at the Ministry of Defense, Dror Shalom, the IDF attaché in the US Major Hedy Silberman, and Austin's advisers on Middle East affairs. After the meeting, Gallant will continue to Paris where he will hold meetings with several defense ministers from around the world.

The news of Netanyahu’s ban on ministerial-level talks in Washington comes just after US President Biden invited President Herzog to a meeting at the White House. Sources in the US say that the official invitation to Herzog will go out in the coming days. Herzog was expected, regardless of the White House invitation, to visit the US in about a month and deliver a speech in the House of Representatives.

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