Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman & Prime Minister Netanyahu

Israel is sending a message to Saudi Arabia with its strong support for Riyadh's campaign to host the 'Expo Conference', a huge international conference that Saudi Arabia wants to host in 2030. Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS), the heir apparent to the Saudi throne, is running a huge campaign to get Saudi Arabia chosen to host the Expo convention, as part of the foreign policy that the kingdom is leading, and Israeli officials are reportedly working behind the scenes to help the Saudi Prince in his efforts to land the Expo. 

According to the report, Bin Salman will hold a launch party for the Saudi proposal to host the Expo, an event that will be held in Paris. After receiving an invitation from Saudi Arabia to participate in the event, an official Israeli representative will be in attendance. By accepting the offer to attend, Israel is sending a message that it is interested in its proximity to Saudi Arabia, while the Biden administration is exerting pressure for normalization steps between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

A final decision on Israel's support for Saudi Arabia's bid to host the expo has not yet been officially made, but this is the obvious direction and so is the Israeli presence at the celebratory Saudi event a symbol of the future. The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not respond to the reports or a request to comment.

Roi Kais, a commentator on Arab affairs at the Israeli network “Kan”, noted that the Saudi Crown Prince, Bin Salman, has not yet finished his visit to France, where he met with Macron over the weekend. He is supposed to present in Paris Saudi Arabia's candidacy to host the Expo 2030 fair, the winner of the bid to host the fair is expected to be announced this November. "If indeed Riyadh is chosen, I'm willing to bet that we will arrive there with a blue and white passport."

Six Arab countries have diplomatic relations with Israel, starting with Egypt in 1979, Jordan in 1994, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan in 2020; if indeed the normalization process with Saudi Arabia succeeds it would become the seventh and most important in the eyes of many.

The initial demands of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in exchange for the agreement, according to the report, were guarantees from Washington to protect Saudi Arabia from military attack, a Saudi-American partnership to enrich uranium for a civilian nuclear program, and the removal of restrictions on the sale of American weapons to the kingdom. It was reported yesterday that Israel gave their approval for the Saudi nuclear program, even providing feedback on which locations are best suited for the project.

The Saudis, for their part, will also have to make major concessions and abandon their dated position, according to which peace with Israel "can only come after the establishment of a Palestinian state." Meanwhile, publicly, Saudi officials continue to say repeatedly that an agreement with Israel should include the establishment of a state for the Palestinians, a position the kingdom has held since promoting the Arab peace initiative in 2002. However, with the rumors of the Israeli backing for their nuclear program, it is also speculated that the Palestinian issue is no longer a major factor for normalization. 

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