The tomb of Joseph in the 19th Century - notice any 'Palestinian' villages around?

Although the Israel Defense Forces canceled the scheduled pilgrimage to Joseph's Tomb in Nablus as a result of the security situation stemming from the operational activity in Jenin Monday evening, activists of the "Return to Joseph" movement, Hassidic Breslov Jews who regularly visit the tomb in Nablus, entered Joseph's Tomb independently and without coordination with or protection from the army.

In a statement published by the movement, it was written, "We are the disciples of Joseph the Tzadik, who visit his tomb from time to time at the entrances organized by the administration of Joseph's Tomb, hereby protesting the decision of the IDF and the political echelon to cancel overnight the entry of worshipers to the celebration of Joseph’s the Tzadik (righteous), who is buried in the city of Shechem (Nablus), and this is different from previous years when the entrances took place in an orderly manner and in particular on his memorial day."

“We demand complete freedom of worship and the opening of the tomb to the worshiping public as required by the Oslo Accords," the organizers wrote, adding "That is why we will all gather today starting at 10:00 p.m. and march in towards Joseph's Tomb in Nablus", the statement concluded.

"We come in regularly, whether we get permission or not." Nachman Rabani, one of the regular visitors to Joseph's Tomb, told reporters. "There is something to be afraid of," he admits, "but it's not fear that paralyzes me. I'm afraid and go in. It's one of the things I do when I try not to think too much. Thoughts are a world of the imagination that should just be ignored sometimes. It is important to me to maintain continuous contact with the places that are important to the people of Israel. Without this connection, the people of Israel will not have a connection between the people of Israel and anywhere in the State of Israel. Officially, if we don't make our entrances, the army will also stop the organized entrances. These are not places that should be given up, these are the graves of the founding figures of the people of Israel."

It should be noted according to the Oslo Accords, the Palestinians are obliged to maintain freedom of movement for Israelis who want to come and pray at Joseph's Tomb. In April 2011, during a similar uncoordinated type of entry to Nablus, a worshipper was shot and killed by Palestinian policemen. Five other worshipers who were with him were injured.

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