Hezbollah fighters moved into an Israeli demilitarized zone

The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar, linked to Hezbollah, reported Thursday morning that Israel sent a "diplomatic warning" through the United Nations that it would use military force to evacuate two campsites established by Hezbollah inside Israeli territory in the Mount Dov area. This is against the background of the Israeli reports that Hezbollah recently erected two tents on the spot with armed men inside.

According to the Lebanese report, Hezbollah stressed to the mediators that these are Lebanese territories that Israel is occupying and that the Lebanese have the right to reach them, whether they are officials or nearby residents. Hezbollah made it clear that they absolutely refuse to vacate the tents. The Israeli lands on which the tents have been erected were captured by Israel during the Six-Day War, which was previously under Syrian rule; it was never factually Lebanese territory.

Also, the Lebanese newspaper reported that the message went through a complaint submitted by Israel to the United Nations. It was also reported that in the last two weeks, there was mediation by European parties on the issue.

Also on Thursday, during a discussion held last week in the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee of the Knesset, it was discussed that a Hezbollah force invaded the sovereign territory of the State of Israel, in the Mount Dov sector, and established a military position there. The IDF stressed that this is an incident under control that is being handled. In recent weeks, Hezbollah and other Lebanese elements have been inciting provocations in the Mount Dov area. This is when senior officials of the terrorist organization claim that this is "occupied Lebanese territory that must be liberated."

Meanwhile, as mentioned, Israel’s permanent ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan called on the Security Council to stop the Hezbollah provocation: “This is a blatant violation of Security Council resolutions and further proof that Hezbollah continues to strengthen in Lebanon with Iranian guidance and funding. The time has come for the Security Council to open its eyes, condemn the aggression and murderousness of the terrorist organization, demand the immediate dismantling of the illegal positions in Israeli territory, and act to enable the enforcement of the sovereignty and control of the Lebanese government and UNIFIL's activities in the region in accordance with the mandate."

The ambassador called on the Security Council to "demand that Lebanon meet its obligations to fully implement the council's decisions, immediately evacuate the positions from Israeli territory and immediately condemn Hezbollah for destabilizing the region. Ambassador Erdan further clarified that "Israel will take all necessary measures to protect its security, its sovereignty and security of its citizens."

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