An IDF helicopter was used to provide cover this week in Jenin

According to a recent poll conducted by the Israeli daily newspaper "Maariv," 48% of the residents of the State of Israel support the launch of an extensive military operation in Judea and Samaria to stem the ongoing wave of Palestinian terrorism. The poll was conducted in conjunction with the Director of the Panels Politics Institute, Dr. Menachem Lazar.

In response to the question, of whether following the recent terrorist attacks Israel should launch a large-scale military operation in Judea and Samaria, the answers were: 48% said "yes", 26% replied "no", and 26% answered “not sure.”

The segmentation shows that 71% of those who claimed they voted for the current coalition parties support the launch of an extensive military operation, compared to only 9% who are opposed and another 20% who weren’t sure. Among those who say they voted for the opposition parties, 29% support the launch of the operation, 39% oppose and 32% are also not sure. 500 participants took part in the Internet survey, and the maximum sampling error is 4.3%.

Meanwhile, as a large Israel Defense Forces military operation in Judea and Samaria remains hypothetical, officials within the Israeli settlement movement are demanding the restoration of the roadblocks within the territory. The heads of the different councils in Judea and Samaria discussed the issue with the government ministers and even brought up the request in a conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

According to the Minister of National Missions, Orit Strock from the Otzma Yehudit party, after the Second Intifada, the activity of the checkpoints in Samaria was stopped for years. "It's a situation that needs to and can be resolved."

According to the head of the Benjamin council, Israel Gantz, terrorists carefully plan escape routes in the absence of checkpoints. "In the absence of checkpoints in places prone to disasters, their movement is free and easy both to the place of the attack and on the way back. This was exactly the case in the murderous attack this week (the Eli terror attack). Leaving the checkpoints open in a sweeping manner is part of the problematic security concept that must be changed."

The chairman of the entire Judea and Samaria council, Shlomo Ne’eman, also joined the demand for a profound security change: "We want there to be military operations, not with tweezers. The IDF cannot act like the police in pursuit of thieves. If there is a village whose residents are in the habit of handing out candy in response to the murder, one should go there, go from house to house, take out the weapons and uproot the phenomenon. Today a war is not needed, targeted action is."

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