A dummy rocket in Jenin posted to an Islamic Jihad chat room

The Shin Bet is investigating a case in which a rocket was found in an open area in East Jerusalem during the Flag parade on Jerusalem Day. The rocket was located in the Beit Hanina neighborhood beyond the separation fence from the Palestinian Authority territories. The suspect who participated in the production of the rocket is a resident of the village of Ajul and admitted that he acted to arm the rocket and stated that he acted on his own initiative and without affiliation with any terrorist organization.

In his investigation, he said that the knowledge to manufacture the rocket was drawn from the Internet and from dedicated groups in a Telegram channel. However, he made several failed attempts at making rockets and was unable to launch them into the air. His arrest comes just weeks after Palestinian Authority residents in northern Samaria released a recording of a rocket aimed at the Israeli settlement of Shaked. A piece of paper next to it mentioned the launch date and that the next rocket will be bigger. The IDF announced that it was a dummy launcher and confiscated it.

About a month ago, the head of the Shin Bet, Ronan Bar, revealed that a squad prepared to fire rockets from Jenin toward Israeli territory was foiled. "We see this as a dangerous precedent. We have no intention of turning Afula or Shaked into a focus for shooting a steep runway," Bar said.

The head of Israel's federal security agency said that the Islamic Jihad planned to launch rockets from Judea and Samaria towards settlements in Israel. "One of the three senior Jihad commanders who were eliminated, Tarek Ezz Al-Din, tried to set up an infrastructure for firing improvised rockets from Judea and Samaria towards Israel," said the head of the Shin Bet, "In the midst of Operation Shield and Arrow.ā€ When the recent flareup between Gaza and Israel happened it was widely reported that part of the reason for the assassinations was to percent rocket cells from taking root in Samaria.

In a joint statement to the Prime Minister and the heads of the security establishment, Shin Bet chief Ronan Bar revealed that a cell that was organized to fire rockets from Jenin toward Israeli territory, thereby importing Gaza's terrorist methods into Judea and Samaria, was foiled.

"Tarek Ezz El-Din was the engine of the Jihad in Judea and Samaria. He worked to copy terrorist capabilities from Gaza to Israel and directed over 20 terrorist squads that the public does not know about," added the head of the Shin Bet. "In recent weeks, we thwarted a squad in the Jenin refugee camp area, which had already begun producing rockets and launchers in order to launch rockets from the Samaria territories towards Israel. We see this as a dangerous precedent."

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