Screengrab of the failed launch of a crude missile from Jenin

A rocket was launched Monday morning from the Jenin area towards Israeli settlements but exploded in Palestinian Authority territory, the Israel Defense Forces confirmed after a period in which the information was classified.

According to a statement from the IDF spokesman, "This morning a rocket was launched from the area of ​​the city of Jenin that exploded in Palestinian territory. The rocket did not pose a danger to the settlements in the area. The security forces have arrived to conduct searches in the area, the incident is being investigated." The IDF announcement confirms the publication issued by the military wing of the Hamas organization, a document in which a rocket appears to have been launched from Jenin toward Gilboa.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented on the matter at the Likud faction meeting, saying that "We are in the midst of a very big fight against the increase in terrorism and the increase in our actions against terrorism. We are constantly changing the equation. Now we have changed the equation in the Jenin area as well, against a cell that we hit through UAVs, something that hasn't happened in many years, and it's a sign of things to come." Netanyahu did come under fire from one of his biggest backers historically, Knesset Member Danny Danon criticized the lack of action in Jenin, questioning if Israel was waiting for Jenin to become Gaza before it did anything.

In the Az-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas operatives said after the launch and confirmation of the details by the IDF spokesman: "Wait for the day when the sky will bring clear smoke. It's only a matter of time before you hear about our missiles that will destroy your strongholds. Stay tuned."

Hamas also said that "the experiment is the greatest proof of the missiles in Gaza, which now cover all parts of occupied Palestine, from the sea to the river and from north to south. Warning alarms will soon be heard in the West Bank, which will dictate a new phase of development and conflicts with the Zionist occupier. Occupied Tel Aviv is not far away and will be in the firing range of the fighters". It should be noted that Tel Aviv is a modern city established by Zionists over 100 years ago, with no Arab or “Palestinian” connection.

Due to the unusual incident, Major General Giora Eiland said in an interview with Israeli Radio hosts that "a much bigger operation may need to be carried out in this city. We have been operating relatively effectively in Jenin in recent weeks in terms of thwarting many terrorist attacks that could have come from there - it may not be enough." According to Eiland, "As insignificant as this incident is from an operational point of view - its implications for the future could be serious. In Gaza, too, it started small and reached much higher numbers and capacities."

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