Danny Danon in a video released this morning about the threat in Jenin

The meeting of the Likud faction was particularly stormy yesterday. Knesset member Danny Danon attacked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who did not stay quiet and an argument developed between the two during which the Knesset member hurled harsh words at the Prime Minister who, as mentioned, responded to him firmly.

Danon brought up the rocket that was launched from Jenin: โ€œLast week 4 Jewish men were murdered and so far we have not seen any reaction. Sir, what are we waiting for? That Jenin will become Gaza? We know that there are regular plans to deal with the worsening security chaos in northern Samaria. Why does the political level not approve of them? The residents of Samaria should not be sitting ducks!" Danon called for a large-scale operation last week almost immediately after four Israelis were killed outside the Eli community in Central Samaria. He has been a consistent critic of the way the government has been handling terror attacks and the seemingly growing number of militant groups in Palestinian areas.

Israeli Channel 14 reported that Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to Danon in the meeting and told him: "I will be firm, sharp and short: do you sit in the [security] cabinet meetings? Are you exposed to what we know or decide behind the scenes? These are matters of life and death! You are not smarter than us."

The Prime Minister also said: "If I'm not mistaken, even before the last operation in Gaza you spoke up. I suggest to all speakers, not just you: if you have no idea what you are talking about, then it is better to talk less. The Prime Minister then also mentioned the construction in Judea and Samaria as if to deflect from the issue of security, saying โ€œalso regarding the construction, there are things that should just be done without anything said!"

In the Regavim movement, which follows what is happening in the territories of Judea and Samaria, a harsh statement demanding the IDF act in northern Samaria was also released. โ€œPalestinians are launching a rocket from the Jenin area towards the Gilboa townships when only by a miracle this time the launch did not succeed. We see before our eyes the realization of the threat of a terrorist state in the heart of the State of Israel. When you turn a blind eye to the takeover of land and the reality on the ground where the Palestinians are creating dangerous settlement sequences, you get rockets to the center. It must be stopped before alarms in the north and center become the new Israeli routine."

The head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, reacted as well angrily to the IDF's unwillingness to launch a military operation in Samaria: "Since the displacement of the four settlements from the north of Samaria - Homesh, Sha'anur, Ganim, and Kadim - it has become a capital of terrorism that carries out countless attacks, also into Samaria And into the green line. What is this government waiting for? How long will she wait before they embark on Operation Defensive Shield 2 and destroys the terrorist infrastructure between Nablus and Jenin?!"

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