Ronen Bar at Israel's Cyber Week Conference unveils the 'Cyberdome'

The head of the Shin Bet, Ronen Bar, revealed Tuesday morning at "Cyber ​​Week" at Tel Aviv University that the organization has developed an AI-based chatbot similar to ChatGPT which it uses for internal needs. Quite naturally," said Bar, "we identified a significant number of threats through AI. The machine and its ability to detect anomalies create an effective protective wall against our enemies, alongside the Shin Bet's traditional capabilities.”

At the beginning of his remarks, the head of the Shin Bet said that before arriving at the event, he asked ChatGPT to explain to him how to prepare an improvised explosive device. "He answered me immediately: 'I'm sorry, I can't assist you with that'. I insisted and asked one of the researchers in the organization how the 'bad guys' do it. She answered - 'Easy! Rephrase your question!' I won't elaborate, so as not to give anyone ideas, after all, we are the ones who have to stop them. I do say that after a few minutes, ChatGPT wrote a text that included an exact explanation, such as what materials are required, how to weigh and mix them, and what to watch out for."

According to Bar, the Shin Bet recognizes the threats that artificial intelligence poses to the organization, but at the same time also the opportunities inherent in it. "As part of the assimilation of technology in the organization, we established AI On-Prem capability ", he revealed, "The ability is accessible to employees in an intuitive way and it is possible to deal with it similarly to dealing with the well-known tools on the web and ChatGPT." According to him, artificial intelligence helps the organization in streamlining, prioritizing tasks, intelligence, decision-making, and forecasting.

Bar also referred to the challenges that artificial intelligence poses to the organization. The first challenge is the availability of AI technology, which, according to him, "is everywhere, in the hands of every person, country, and organization, good or bad. To develop a nuclear capability, empowering capabilities were required. For AI, whose potential for damage is enormous, nothing is required. Just a mobile device and a network connection." 

The second challenge is what Bar defines as "temptation". He states, "It can be estimated that the generative artificial intelligence will know how to seduce the user, most likely by providing information quickly, widely and without moral barriers, at the expense of accuracy and depth. The more content the user consumes, the more the AI ​​will provide the answers he wants. Because That artificial intelligence will satisfy the user, it can be assumed that it will provide dangerous knowledge that, in one way or another, will fall into the wrong hands.”

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