The Jordan Valley is a strategic area separating Jordan from Judea & Samaria

This past Wednesday, the lobby to apply sovereignty in the Jordan Valley was launched, led by Knesset members Dan Iloz of Likud and Yossi Taib of Shas and with the cooperation of the Sovereignty movement. The lobby was established with the aim of bringing about a significant achievement in the field of applying sovereignty in the Jordan Valley, already in the current Knesset term.

The event was attended by the Minister of Agriculture Avi Dichter, the Minister of Settlements and National Missions Orit Struck, the Minister of the Negev Galilee and National Resilience Yitzhak Waserlauf as well as members of the Knesset from the coalition and the opposition, Oded Forer, Amit Halevi, Ariel Bosso, Ohad Tal, Ze'ev Elkin, Danny Danon, Yitzhak Kreuzer, Limor Son Har Melech, Moshe Solomon, Nissim Vattori, Tali Gottlieb and Avihai Boaron. It was also attended by the head of the Jordan Valley Regional Council David Elhaini, Avraham Bezalel, Rabbi Avraham Wasserman, Yesha Council CEO Shira Liebman, Chairman of the World Zionist Organization Yaakov Hagoel, and other dignitaries.

Chairman of the Coalition for Sovereignty in the Jordan Valley, MK Dan Iloz, opened the gathering and said: "The historical roots of the people of Israel are precisely rooted in the regions of Judea and Samaria. We are in a moment of historical strength, with the right-wing government in full force, and it is our duty to promote sovereignty in these regions. If we will not see significant progress in the field in the current term - this will be a cry for generations."

His partner in founding the lobby, MK Yosef Taib, added that "I am excited to launch the lobby for sovereignty in the Jordan Valley first, together with MK Dan Iloz. Sovereignty in the Jordan Valley is important to Israel on a security, economic, social and agricultural level and more. But above all, it is important because the Jordan Valley belongs to the Jewish people and the Land of Israel, and its recognition cuts across sectors and camps."

MK Oded Forer from Israel Beitenu said: "You said that in your coalition agreement, it is written that sovereignty will apply when the conditions are ripe, so I say to you as an opposition member, the conditions are ripe. There is widespread support. Today, in my estimation, such a bill that the coalition will support can reach close to eighty raised hands or more. From my limited political experience, no one guarantees that this will be the case in the next Knesset as well. So in this sense, you have the full backing of the opposition. There is also much more to be done along the way, in terms of infrastructure and agriculture, and we will, of course, lend a hand and help to all that is possible."

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