(Source + Ā©: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

According to Israel Defense Forces data, there was a significant increase in the number of terrorist attacks on roads and traffic routes in Judea and Samaria during the first half of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. At the same time, there was also a steep increase in the number of incidents of other nationalist-motivated crime in the region.

The troubling data was presented at a discussion held Wednesday in the subcommittee of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Security Committee. "The situation is far from ideal," said Major General Shumer Israel, head of the IDF Operations Department, and added: "The IDF has continued to build up forces since the beginning of the year, and in the last few days it has increased additional forces and has also stopped training in some places. The defense is not only on the axes but also In the places where we identify the nests of terrorism."

According to the data presented by Lt. Col. Elizur Trabalsi, the Spatial Defense officer of the Central Command, in the first half of this year, there was a significant increase in the scope of attacks on traffic routes: 167 attacks in the current half compared to 53 in the last year's half. According to the officer, 59 of the serious terrorist incidents were directed against civilians, and 108 terrorist incidents against the Israeli security forces.

In addition to this, Lt. Col. Trabalsi added that in the first half of the year, there were 1,369 incidents of stone-throwing, 174 incidents of Molotov cocktails, and 85 incidents of explosive devices. Major General Israel Schumer referred to the opening fire procedures in the discussion and said: There is no change in the opening fire instructions.ā€ To the claims that also came up in the discussions from the heads of councils in Judea and Shimron, the senior officer answered: "Do we need to be at the significant points where there are stone throwing and Molotov cocktails and should we be better with this? The answer is yes.ā€

Hananal Dorani, head of the Kedumim Council, condemned the attack on the IDF Brigade Benjamin by the extremist faction of settlers for stopping Jewish violence and said: "I express my appreciation to the IDF for the hard work." 

He condemned the outrage he said happened yesterday but noted that it was a marginal minority. On the issue of personal safety on the roads in Judea and Samaria said: "The shooting incidents here are not reported in the media, making it difficult to understand for the entire nation. Before I leave the house I consider where to go. It shouldn't be like this, the situation is not good."

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