A street in Jenin after Israeli forces demolished it (Photo: @Jeninqassam-Telegram)

Israeli security forces began an operation called “Bayit VeGan” (Home and Garden) overnight between Sunday and Monday in Jenin. The purpose of the operation is to clear the ‘capital of terrorism’ from hostile activity and destroy the infrastructure where that capital is located. The decision on launching the operation has been hanging in the air for a while and in closed discussions a decision was made to launch a military operation in the Jenin refugee camp sector against the backdrop of the large number of attacks sent from the area in recent weeks. 

Immediately after the Israel Defense Forces, in cooperation with the Federal security service Shabak and the Israel Police, announced the operation, large forces including the commando brigade, infantry units, special units, Shin Bet operatives, and the police's Border Patrol units entered the Jenin refugee camp and began arresting suspected terrorists. So far the Palestinians reported six deaths and it is estimated that there are more dead and that there are many wounded among the Palestinian militants. In addition, as of six in the morning, at least 15 terrorists had been arrested.

"As part of an effort to widely thwart the removal of the threat of terrorism in Judea and Samaria, the security forces attacked a headquarters that is the unified headquarters of the factions in the refugee camp in Jenin and the operatives of the 'Jenin Battalion,'" the IDF and Shin Bet said in a joint statement tonight. 

The headquarters was also used as an observation post, as a gathering place for armed terrorists before and after terrorist activity, as an area to arm themselves with weapons, and as a contact and communication center for the activists. In addition, the headquarters served as a shelter for the activists who were wanted due to the attacks in recent months.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant commented early this morning on the operation that was approved last night in a limited discussion with Prime Minister Netanyahu: "The security forces have been working in recent hours with a concentrated effort against the centers of terrorism in the city of Jenin. Against terrorism, we will take an offensive and proactive approach. Anyone who harms the citizens of Israel will pay a heavy price. We closely monitor the behavior of our enemy, the security system is prepared for any scenario" Gallant summarized his words and said that he "strengthens the IDF and the Shin Bet in their determined activity."

The operation began with an air strike that assisted in the entry of the ground forces. Towards dawn, armed men came out and started an exchange of fire with the Israeli security forces. The IDF and the Shin Bet broadcasted messages to the Palestinians in the refugee camp and around Nablus telling them not to leave their homes and messages were also passed on in recent days to the Palestinian Authority who knew about the preparation of the forces for the operation.

Videos of bulldozers tearing apart streets and leaving behind mounds of impassable rubble began popping up on Palestinian Telegram channels. The purpose of the devastating destruction of one pocket of Jenin was to prevent the transportation of missiles and weapons to other cells. The neighborhood in the Jenin camp that was demolished was known to be the center of operations for the Jenin Brigade of the Islamic Jihad. Over the weekend, the leader of PIJ in Lebanon met with Iranian officials who are funding the growing terror infrastructure in Judea and Samaria, with Jenin as their base.

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