A poster urging Palestinians all over to rise up after the Jenin raid

The joint commander of the factions in Gaza, where Hamas and Islamic Jihad coordinate, announced this Monday morning that "resistance in all arenas will not allow the enemy to pursue our people in Jenin and separate them. The joint coalition of monitors the aggression in Jenin. We call on all the resistance factions in Jenin and its refugee camp to confront in a united manner."

The factions emphasize that the continuation of and the specific nature of the fighting will affect their expected response. "We call on our people in all the cities and villages and especially in the refugee camps around Jenin to confront, and support Jenin and teach the enemy a lesson. We call on the people of the resistance in all arenas to prepare to respond to the aggression in a situation where the occupation decides to continue its crime and expand its aggression."

Earlier this morning as the news of the massive operation to clear out the terror infrastructure in Jenin came out, the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, issued a statement that read: "We call on our people all over the West Bank to stand by Jenin and protect its people and thwart the enemy's plan. The blood in Jenin will determine the nature of the next stage in all the routes. Our people and its resistance know how to respond to this barbaric aggression."

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the official spokesman of the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, said this morning that "what the Israeli occupation government is doing in the city of Jenin and its refugee camp is a new war crime against our defenseless people. The Palestinian people will not surrender and will not wave a white flag and will remain firmly on their land in the face of this brutal aggression until the occupation is defeated."

Following this, the spokesman added that he "salutes our Palestinian people in the Jenin camp and in all the cities and villages and in the refugee camps for their firm stand in the face of the occupation."

He added that "all the crimes committed by the occupation government and its terrorist settlers will never achieve security and stability for them. Unless the Palestinian people feel them." Finally, the official serving under Abu Mazen called on the international community to break the silence and act immediately to "force Israel to stop the aggression against the Palestinian people". It should be noted that the Israeli security cabinet notified the Palestinian Authority a number of days ago about their intentions, meaning Abu Rudeineh and all officials in the PA withheld the information of an attack from the Jenin public.


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