Iron Dome interceptors taking out Gaza missiles, July 5 (Source: @JoeTruzman - Twitter)

Close to fifty hours of the military operation in Jenin dubbed "Home & Garden" did not bring the surrounding Israeli areas of the Gaza Strip into firing range. Still, last night at the end of the operation it seems that the terrorist organizations in Gaza decided to send a message of encouragement to their factions in the West Bank as Israel Defense Forces appeared to be pulling out. A siren was sounded at half past one in the morning between Tuesday and Wednesday and within seconds the echoes of the explosions of the interception of the Iron Dome defense system also arrived, which was activated as a response to the launching of a timed barrage from the strip towards the enclave.

After an inspection, the IDF announced that five rockets had been fired toward the city of Sderot and surrounding towns and that all the missiles were intended to hit the settlements, but they were successfully intercepted. Later, the Sderot municipality announced that the remains of one rocket hit a house directly and caused some damage, but there were no physical injuries. “The municipality's teams are at the scene along with police and military forces," according to the municipality's announcement.

Neta Ohiyon, whose House was hit by shrapnel last night, tearfully described the moments of anxiety: "At about 01:40 AM there were really loud booms. The last boom was louder than we are used to hearing. We continued to sleep because this is our routine. When I got up in the morning I opened the shutters of the balcony and I saw it was full of small stones. I asked my husband: What is this? He said: “I don't know, there must have been an interception”. We opened the shutters and discovered the Qassam inside the pool."

In response to the barrage, fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force attacked in the early morning an underground site for the production of weapons, which is used by the chemical weapons division of the terrorist organization Hamas and a site for the production of raw materials for the organization's rockets. "The attack was carried out in response to the launch of rockets last night from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory," the IDF spokesman said.

According to a military source, the attack constitutes evidence of the ability of the terrorist organization Hamas to strengthen and arm itself. "The terrorist organization Hamas bears responsibility for what is happening in the Gaza Strip and is the one who will pay the price for the security violations against the State of Israel," the source concluded.


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