Palestinians celebrate victory after Israel withdraws from Jenin (Photo: Wahaj Moufleh)

As Israel's operation to root out Iranian-backed terror infrastructure in Jenin ends, Palestinian militant groups such as Islamic Jihad which dominates the northern Samaria city declared victory. Meanwhile, according to their own account, Israeli forces killed 12 killed armed terrorists and wounded more than 120 in the operation that has been nicknamed "Bayit Ve'Gan" (Home & Garden). 

In addition to the deaths and injuries of militants, laboratories for the production of explosives, as well as an underground network of tunnels and storage facilities that were discovered hidden under the main mosque in the 'refugee camp' were uncovered. These accomplishments on the part of the joint task force from the Israel Defense Forces, Israel Police, and the Federal security service, Shin Bet, are just a portion of success. However, despite the apparent disruption to the Jenin terror conglomerate, for Israelis the operation was painful as one soldier, Major Sergeant David Yehuda Yitzhak, was killed.

The Arab media networks published photos of residents returning to their homes, and the Palestinian Authority used these photos to attack Israel internationally. The Authority and the dozens of media networks that embedded themselves with the terror groups while covering the events in Jenin ignored the fact that the militants in the terrorist organizations used civilians as human shields in several skirmishes and even fled from place to place under the protection of the population, while also using ambulances as a means of escape and movement in the battle scene. In one viral video, militants can be seen shooting from a hospital, knowing full well the Israeli forces would not return fire given the civilians surrounding the militants.

In reality, it was revealed shortly after the Islamic Jihad commanded the militants not to rush and believe the reports of the departure of the troops, "(w)e do not deal with the news of the withdrawal, and we call on the resistance fighters to be careful, not to go outside and only follow the instructions of the Jenin Battalion leadership; the al-Nasser Salah al-Din battalion warned their armed men. "Do not be complacent or dependent on the deception and deception of the enemy," they called to all their forces and those of other groups, saying that one should "remain alert and ready."

After the final departure of the Israeli Forces, the members of the organizations took to the streets together with the residents of Jenin who celebrated a victory, despite much of their infrastructure destroyed, jihadists dead and injured, and the hundreds of arrests that are sure to strain the various terror groups' ability to coordinate attacks.  Hamas spokesman Hazem Kassem stated: "We congratulate the Jenin camp and its resistance for its victory over the enemy army. Once again Jenin defeats the occupying army." The secretary general of the Islamic Jihad movement, Ziyad Al-Nakhla, who makes his home under the relative safety and comfort of Hezbollah-controlled Beirut, also maintained the narrative of the victory that seems to be detached from reality. Al-Nakhla said that "the Jenin battalion led this great victory. 

He continued, "In their unity and gathering around the fighters, the Palestinian people proved that they can defeat the enemy." This phenomenon of declaring victory over the IDF is seen over and over again amongst the Palestinian terrorist organizations, and their claims likely would not persuade actual Jenin residents who observed the truth and see firsthand the reality on the ground.. 

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