Mahmoud Abbas is head of the Palestinian Authority & the Terror group Fatah

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the military arm of the Fatah movement which is headed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, has instructed its operatives to carry out terrorist attacks against Israeli targets in any possible location. According to multiple Israeli and Palestinian reports, in a message published by "Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades" all "West Bank fighters" were called to go on general alert and be ready to attack Israelis.

"We hereby announce the raising of the state of general alertness for all our fighters to the highest level, which is a state of full-scale war," reads the message published on the official Fatah Telegram channel.

"We call on all our fighters and our military units in all places in the West Bank to attack the Zionist enemy on all its elements, including in the heart of the fragile entity Tel Aviv." The message was signed and concluded with: "This is a revolution and an armed intifada that will continue until victory. With Mercy to the heroic martyrs, recovery to our wounded heroes, and freedom to our heroic prisoners."

This clear incitement and call for a new intifada comes after the military operation in Jenin and a set of losses for the ruling Fatah party in localized university elections. Palestinian Authority President Abbas, also known as Abu Mazen has not held elections since 2005 as he understood that if he did, Hamas would win, however now with the rise of other groups like Islamic Jihad, Fatah's grip on power is waning. Fatah fears other cities in Judea and Samaria will fall to Islamic Jihad and Hamas and the Fatah council, nervous about Abbas' health and who would succeed him is trying to regain their popularity by not simply calling for resistance, but starting another Intifada. The Palestinian Authority is also planning to hold armed marches in the centers of the major cities within Judea and Samaria, similar to those held often in Nablus and Jenin by Hamas and PIJ, in order to deter any other militants.

These marches have already begun in several cities and villages with the aim of reminding the leaders of Hamas that a coup will not be allowed to take place in the territories of the Palestinian Authority. This show of force comes after criticisms made by the terrorist organizations that the Palestinian Authority cooperated with Israel in the military operation held early last week in Jenin, with the aim of correcting the impression among the Palestinian people.

Abu Mazen's deputies visited the Jenin refugee camp in order to convey to Hamas a message that Fatah is well-liked among the Palestinian public. Tawfik Tirawi, a former intelligence minister for the Palestinian Authority, who took part in one of these demonstrations of power said "We defended the Palestinian people and the Fatah movement, both its sons and leaders, in all the cities. Protect the Palestinian security mechanisms and homeland, don't be afraid of anyone. Protect your people with your guns from the settlers who are trying to harm our land and villages!"

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