Yoseph Haddad (l) with the anonymous student at the Knesset July 9, 2023

This past Sunday morning a first hearing was held in the Knesset by the members of the sub-committee for the curricula in East Jerusalem and their supervision. The discussion was led by MK Amit Halevi.

Halevi said in his review that "20,000 students in East Jerusalem study according to the Palestinian Authority's curriculum, and this is not a program from Switzerland to say the least. It is unacceptable that 20,000 students are educated to incite within the State of Israel and they are not supervised at all. This needs to change. We fund the teachers who without shame call for terrorism and murder. It needs to stop."

The Director of the Arab Education Department in the Jerusalem Municipality, Lara Mobrikhi, participated in the discussion and said that "120,000 students study in East Jerusalem, with 20,000 of them studying in private institutions such as those of UNRWA, and they have no connection to the Israeli establishment. I don't even know where they are located. There are 55,000 students studying in the official institutions, with the Israeli curriculum, under the supervision of the state. 60% of them continue their studies at the Hebrew University and Hadassah and Azrieli Colleges. Today, there are more and more students who want to enroll in schools with the Israeli program, but there is a physical lack of infrastructure."

The most significant testimony in the committee was that an anonymous resident of East Jerusalem who attended a school in his neighborhood and was wearing a face mask, claiming he was in danger of sharing his story. He was escorted by the infamous pro-Israel Arab activist and former Israel Defense Forces commander, Yoseph Haddad who has worked to spread the truth about Israel and counter false narratives around the world.

The masked student said in the hearing that "I studied at a school in East Jerusalem, which belongs to the Palestinian program. When I started studying, I didn't learn about the State of Israel. We learned about the Palestinians and that there is an occupation. We didn't learn Hebrew, because we were told that the occupation was temporary and there was no need. We were taught to hate Israel. From first grade, they learn to hate Jews. From the age of 10 they learn that whoever goes to murder Jews will receive 72 virgins. Some of the teachers who taught me used to be terrorists in prisons, some of the students who studied with me are in prison today."

"During my time, we didn't study Hebrew at all at school," he continued. "Even my younger brothers, who study at a school belonging to the Palestinian Authority, still don't learn Hebrew. When there were wars and military operations in Gaza and the Judea and Samaria territories, they would close the classrooms and take us to demonstrate outside and throw stones within the State of Israel."

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