Israeli Police spray a water cannon on protesters blocking a major highway (Source: @drill_josh)

In the shadow of the legislation last night which moved ahead the coalition's Judicial Reform effort, “A Day of Disruptions” organized by the protesters is currently underway across Israel. In Herzliya, protestors set up a tent at a main intersection to block the traffic, Herzeliyah is one of the primary High-Tech hubs in Israel with companies such as Microsoft having their headquarters in the city. The intersection prevents cars coming off the main highway from accessing the neighborhood that houses many companies as well as a massive healthcare facility. Dozens of protesters have gathered outside the courthouse in Haifa, and around 4:00 PM the main demonstration is expected to be held by the Ben Gurion Airport.

The Israel Police prepared for protest events and the proper security forces were deployed accordingly. Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai announced that there will be no tolerance for roadblocks and that the police will work to prevent this.

As mentioned last night, the law to reduce the “Reasonableness Clause” was passed in the first reading by a majority of 64 Knesset members who voted in favor of the law. The vote took place at night and during the preliminary discussion for the vote, many fights were recorded between the members of the coalition and the opposition. Beyond that, before the debate, several protesters who were brought into the Knesset with the help of Knesset members Noor Shiri and Merev Cohen rioted and caused a commotion in the building.

A protest has been taking place since the early hours of the morning in the government building in Haifa with the participation of hundreds of demonstrators blocking the road. One of the demonstrators stood with his car in the heart of the protest and despite the requests of the police to move the car, he refused and was arrested.

In addition, two days after the attacks of the ministers at the cabinet meeting on the legal adviser to the government, at the end of which she was required to deliver instructions about the handling of the blockade of the National Airport, an opinion was published on behalf of the legal advisor that prepares the demonstrations at the airport. 

"There is no authority to prevent the entry of people into the airport only based on the fact that they do not have a flight ticket for that day," reads the document published by Gali Behrev-Miara's subsidiary. The document also stated that conditions must be established for holding the demonstration, "subject to the fact that the right to demonstrate will be limited only when there is a near-certain probability of serious damage to public order." Following this, as mentioned in the latter,  the protesting organizations announced: "We call on everyone to come at 16:00 to the Ben Gurion Airport to stop the dictatorship."

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