The scent from Tekoa Junction this morning

The week began with another terror attack in Israel, this time in Gush Etzion, at the Tekoa Junction, where a shooting attack has not happened in years. Typically, the area is known for rocks and the occasional Molotov Cocktail, however according to Israel Radio Kaan, Reshet Bet, a shooting attack against cars has not happened in close to a decade. In this attack, three Israelis were injured including a father and his two daughters.

The father, 37-year-old Elroi Kapach, was seriously injured Sunday morning while sitting in a traffic jam after a Palestinian terrorist got out of his vehicle and opened fire on him, medics reported he was stable. His two daughters, a 14-year-old girl and a 9-year-old girl, who were in the car were slightly injured in the attack after being hit by shrapnel, likely glass from the shattered window. The Israeli emergency services, Magen David Adom (MDA) evacuated the three to Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

Israeli security forces comprised of both the Police Border Patrol and the Israel Defense Forces, rushed to the scene and started searching and chasing the vehicle from which the attacker was traveling in. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office stated that he was informed of the details of the attack from the hospital, where he was taken yesterday after feeling unwell.

From the initial investigation, it appears that several terrorists arrived in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the intersection in a vehicle, and at least one of them got out of it and opened fire. The Israeli forces began locating cameras and using various means to track down the terrorists, trying to stop them even before they escape to one of the nearby villages or even towards Hebron.

The Efrat Municipal Council called on residents to avoid traveling in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the attack due to the roadblocks there. "Following the shooting attack that took place at the Tekoa Junction, many roads on the eastern side of Gush Etzion are blocked. Efrat South Square is blocked to those coming from the east and there is congestion going west. The Gush intersection is blocked in all directions. Please avoid coming to the area," the council's statement reads.

The head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council, Shlomo Na'aman, said that this is an area where there have been no terrorist attacks for many years. "Terrible morning with difficult news. We wish a speedy recovery to the injured and strengthen the security forces that will quickly reach the terrorists and settle accounts with them. We do not surrender to terrorism that tries to shed Jewish blood and expel us from our country," said Naaman.

MDA senior medic Nathaniel Rabi and emergency medicine medic Avichai Tovi, who arrived at the scene of the attack, said that "there was a lot of commotion. A 35-year-old man was lying on the road while he was conscious and suffering from gunshot wounds to his body. We gave him medical treatment in cooperation with the IDF medical force, and he was taken to the hospital in an MDA intensive care unit in a serious yet stable condition. Two other wounded were able to walk, they had been slightly injured by shrapnel and were taken to the hospital and are being given medical treatment as well."

At 3:30 PM Israeli time, it was reported that the terrorist who committed the attack was captured in Bethlehem where he was hiding in a mosque. After a brief exchange of gunfire, the Israeli forces apprehended the suspect. It is not yet known how the forces were tipped off to the location of the assailant. Medical officials have also upgraded Mr. Kapach's condition after surgery, he is now listed as being in moderate condition.

Editor's Note: This story has been updated to reflect that the terrorist has been caught and the status of the 37-year-old father has been upgraded.

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