President Herzog delivers his speech to a joint session of Congress

Israeli President Isaac Herzog spoke in front of both Chambers of the US Congress on the occasion of Israel's 75th anniversary. This is the second time in history that an Israeli president has addressed a joint session of the two houses of the American Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate, when Chaim Herzog, the father of President Herzog and Israel's sixth president, spoke in the Capitol building in front of a Joint session in November of 1987 in honor of the 40th anniversary of Israel's birth.

Among the many things President Herzog said which were given standing ovations by the US lawmakers, he thanked the U.S. efforts to promote peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and with Palestinians. "Over the years, Israel has taken brave steps in its quest for peace and has made far-reaching proposals to our Palestinian neighbors. Deep political differences and many challenges cloud the relationship between Israel and the Palestinians, and I do not ignore them, but one thing should be clear: it is not possible to talk about peace at the same time as agreeing or legitimizing terrorism, implicitly or explicitly. True peace cannot grow out of violence. Palestinian terrorism against Israel or Israelis undermines any future possibility of peace between the two nations.โ€

He also referred to the American criticism of Israel's policy and said that "I do not ignore the existence of criticism among friends, including criticism expressed by several members of this honorable house. I respect criticism, especially from friends, although respecting criticism does not necessarily mean agreeing with it. But criticism of Israel must not cross the line and become a denial of the right of the State of Israel to exist." In a clear reference to the nine members of Congress who opted not to attend the session, and have frequently criticized Israel and repeated the trope that Israel is an apartheid state, Herzog said: "Questioning the right of the Jewish people to self-determination is not legitimate diplomacy, But antisemitism. Slandering and attacking Jews, whether in Israel, the United States, or anywhere else in the world, is antisemitism.โ€

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said after the speech: "An important speech by President Herzog who expressed our strong and decisive position against Iran. Together we will stand, together we will win." Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri added: "My friend President Yitzhak Herzog, what a powerful and brave speech on the Congress stage. You represented Israel brilliantly!"

Opposition Leader Yair Lapid said: "I congratulate President Herzog who presented to the joint session of Congress the beautiful face of democratic Israel, and emphasized the shared values โ€‹โ€‹- equal rights, freedom of expression, separation of powers, and the independence of the judicial system." Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who is known to have great political differences from Herzog, said: "An important speech. Thank you, Mr. President"

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