IDF Chief of General Staff Herzi Halevi on Lebanese Border July 17, 2023

A reporter who is considered the spokesman for the terrorist organization Hezbollah published Thursday morning footage, taken from Lebanon, of Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi patrolling the northern border of Israel with other senior officers.

The video was taken three days ago when the Chief of Staff visited the borderline with the Lebanese village of Khula, which is adjacent to the Israeli village of Margaliot.

Halevi toured the Galilee formation sector, together with the commander of the Northern Command, Major General Uri Gordin, the commander of the Galilee formation, Brigadier General Shay Klaper, and the brigade commanders. The Chief of Staff held a situation assessment with the commanders, during which he was shown the activity of the IDF forces at the border, including the reinforcement of the forces.

In addition, the chief of staff referred to the readiness and vigilance of the forces, and the importance of maintaining the daily lives of the residents of the north.

Following the frequent confrontations with Hezbollah terrorists, when just last Saturday IDF soldiers were even forced to fire live rounds at dozens of terrorists who infiltrated Israel from Lebanon, it was decided to reinforce forces in Israel's northern border area. In addition, an order was given to border soldiers to increase their readiness and vigilance, due to fears that the terrorist organizations will try to carry out attacks there.

This news of IDF preparing for the armed escalation on Israel’s northern border comes as diplomatic efforts are being made in an attempt to put an end to Hezbollah’s provocative behavior. Earlier this week Foreign Minister Eli Cohen met Foreign Minister of France Catherine Colonna, with security issues involving Lebanon on the agenda, and primarily, an attempt to resolve the tensions with Hezbollah before the security situation deteriorates into a war.

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said after his meeting in Paris: "The provocation of the terrorist organization Hezbollah on the Lebanese border could degenerate into a military confrontation. I asked my friend, Foreign Minister Colonna, to use the influence of France in Lebanon in order to help resolve the tensions in an efficient and quick manner. The fight against the Iranian threat requires the global community; the entire international community must act now. The meeting of the IAEA Board of Governors in September is the right stage to act against the Iranian violations in the nuclear field."

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