Image of Nour Shams refugee camp after an explosive night (Photo: @NablusNews2)

A month after the Israel Defense Forces conducted an operation in Jenin to uncover ammunition sites and apprehend wanted terrorists, IDF forces carried out another operation in Northern Samaria, specifically in the Noor al-Shams refugee camp near the town of Tulkarem. The operation, which took place between Sunday and Monday, involved IDF infantry and heavy engineering equipment.

During the operation, the IDF discovered a road containing more than ten buried IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). Some of these IEDs were detonated by terrorists in an attempt to harm the IDF forces. Fortunately, there were no casualties among the Israeli soldiers. The IDF will interrogate the captured wanted terrorists and continue their efforts to locate more explosive laboratories and valuable sites linked to terrorist organizations.

The IDF released a statement affirming that activities to combat terrorism in the region will persist, and they denied any agreement with the Palestinian Authority that would restrict their access to Jenin. The IDF clarified that they will act whenever and wherever necessary to ensure security.

In addition to the operation near Tulkarem, IDF soldiers conducted an operation in Nablus, surrounding the home of a wanted terrorist. A firefight occurred between the suspect inside the house and the Israeli troops, resulting in at least one militant being wounded by IDF fire, as reported by Palestinian sources.

These operations come in the wake of several recent terrorist attacks. One such incident involved a resident of Jenin attempting a stabbing attack. The terrorist ran towards the security guards of the Israeli Ministry of Defense's crossing authority with a knife, but the guards responded with warning shots, causing the attacker to drop the knife and be apprehended without injury.

On another occasion, two terrorists attempted to run over an IDF patrol in the Nablus area. The IDF responded by firing at the vehicle, neutralizing the driver without any casualties to their forces. The driver's body was taken to a local hospital by a Red Crescent ambulance, and the second suspect was arrested by the Israeli forces. Palestinian reports identify the deceased driver as Fawzi Hani, believed to be around 18 years old.

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