Amichai Chikli also faced protesters at NYC's Israel Day Parade (Source:@AmichaiChikli)

Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli encountered protests during his visit to an event in Jerusalem, which was organized to observe the Tisha B'Av fast. Demonstrators against Judicial Reform awaited his arrival and loudly expressed their disapproval, eventually forcing the minister to leave the venue.  As Minister Chikli was aware of the planned protest, he chose to attend the event despite the potential opposition. The demonstrators grew increasingly aggressive, even pushing the security guards and event organizers.

This incident follows a recent video released by several residents of Kibbutz Hanaton, including Neta Garnot, Neta Harel, Jacob, Habiva Ner David, Shoshana, Baruch Valaman, Elad Arnon, Miriam Davidson Gilron, Carmel Avivi Shidlovi, Debi Kopelvi, Aryeh Shohat, Yishai Shalitin, and Yitzhak Santis. In the video, they addressed their neighbor, Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli, expressing their frustration with his statements against the protesters since assuming office. They emphasized that they are not anarchists and have exercised restraint for six months, but his recent remarks have been increasingly provocative.

The demonstrations and protests stem from the passing of the law on reducing the "Reasonableness Clause" after its second and third readings. Many individuals view this legislation as a sign of protest and disagreement with the government's policies, fearing that it may lead to the erosion of democracy in Israel.

Minister Chikli, a member of the Likud and Beitar parties, addressed the issue in a talk show following the passage of the legislation. He underscored the significance of the government's decision, emphasizing that it would grant the Minister of Education the authority to act without constraints imposed by the Reasonableness Clause. He argued that such a move would safeguard democracy's status in Israel and prevent undue interference in decision-making processes.

The minister also urged the public to rise above the divisive political rhetoric and avoid succumbing to sensationalized propaganda that aims to create an atmosphere of panic. He expressed concern about calls for violence and incitement, emphasizing the importance of curbing such irresponsible behavior.

The ongoing controversy surrounding judicial reform has exposed deep divisions within Israeli society, reflecting a broader debate about the balance between democratic values and government authority. As tensions continue, it remains crucial for all parties to engage in constructive dialogue and foster understanding to find a path forward that upholds democratic principles while addressing legitimate concerns.

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