Israel is hoping to help the P.A. by making building easier

The complexity of the Israeli government's security concerns is profound, with the Palestinian challenge being among the most multifaceted and sensitive. While the appeal of the Palestinian Authority diverts the Israel Defense Force's focus from other significant threats, the security apparatus has recently been considering several pivotal decisions.

Currently, there's uncertainty about whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can rally support from key officials, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, the head of the National Assembly Tzachi Hanegbi, and senior defense leaders, to get cabinet approval for a crucial plan. Ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gvir are notable dissenters, often resisting measures aimed at reinforcing the Palestinian Authority.

Beyond ensuring stability in this volatile sphere, the proposed actions might facilitate normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia. Both Washington and Riyadh are keenly observing Israel's choices concerning the Palestinian Authority. These decisions could influence strategic dynamics, potentially transforming the Middle Eastern landscape. Sources within the Israeli media indicate that the contemplated actions touch upon all facets of the Israel-Palestine relationship. Furthermore, all these measures are being coordinated with the Biden administration, which anticipates tangible shifts in the status quo from both parties.

One of the primary issues Palestinians have highlighted to the US involves limiting the IDF's operational reach in Area A, as stipulated by the Oslo Accords. Israel's security officials acknowledge the sustained efforts of the Palestinian security units, especially in the northern West Bank. They comprehend the necessity of enabling these units to function effectively within the region. However, despite these concessions, Israeli security forces are unequivocal in their commitment to counter any terrorist group aiming to jeopardize Israeli citizens or security personnel.

Moreover, Israeli security experts have discerned that shutting down border crossings during periods of heightened tension profoundly impacts the Palestinian populace. Notably, a significant portion remains apathetic to the security upheavals of the past year. Recognizing this, Israel's security division strives to limit border closures. They aim to facilitate the smooth transit of freight trucks between Israel and PA territories, maintain commercial interactions between citizens on either side of the borders, and, importantly, ensure that over 150,000 Palestinian workers can commute daily to their jobs in Israel.

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