An IDF unit entering Nablus to make an arrest (File Photo - Nablusnews2 -Telegram)

The Israeli security agency, Shin Bet, revealed on Tuesday that they had, in collaboration with the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), arrested several Palestinian residents of Judea and Samaria in the preceding months. These individuals were allegedly plotting assaults on Israeli civilians under the guidance of the Popular Front terrorist, Alam Kaabi. Once deported to the Gaza Strip, Kaabi has since relocated to Lebanon.

Kaabi is notorious for orchestrating terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria. He is known to enlist Palestinian individuals, some of whom are his kin, to execute attacks on Israelis. As a result of these investigations, the Shin Bet detained various suspects, including Murad Kaabi, who is related to Alam Kaabi and hails from the refugee camp in Lata, Nablus. Another significant arrest was Khaled Abu El Hija from Jenin.

During the interrogation of Murad Kaabi, Shin Bet found that he had received directives from Alam Kaabi to carry out shooting offenses. During this probe, two M-16 rifles held by the culprits were recovered. As for Khaled Abu El Hija, the investigation unveiled that he was conscripted by Alam Kaabi both to instigate attacks and to spearhead a militant faction operating around the Jenin region. In light of these discoveries, both individuals now face charges in the Samaria military court. Apart from these two, several other Palestinians suspected of advancing terrorist endeavors under Alam's leadership were also apprehended.

Shin Bet emphasized their commitment by stating, "In collaboration with the IDF and Israel Police, we remain resolute in our mission to prevent any form of terrorist activity. This includes operations initiated by agents from the Judea and Samaria region under directives from external terrorists like Alam Kaabi."

In a related development, another security breach was prevented involving the smuggling of surveillance drones from Israeli territories into the Gaza Strip via the Erez crossing. The Ministry of Defense's security inspectors, during a routine check at the Erez crossing to the Gaza Strip, intercepted a concealed black bag within a minibus. This bag contained as many as ten drones.

The interception was made possible owing to the alertness of the security inspectors and the canine division at the Erez checkpoint. During the vehicle's inspection, a trained dog from the unit detected the suspicious package, subsequently signaling its presence. The situation was swiftly handed over to other security departments for further action and investigation.

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