Gazan militants assassinated by Israel during Operation Shield and Arrow

Terrorist organizations in Gaza are growing increasingly vigilant, fearing that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) will revert to their strategy of targeted assassinations, akin to the tactics utilized during the operation "Shield and Arrow." This concern was reported on Wednesday by the Lebanese Al-Akhbar newspaper, known to be a mouthpiece for Hezbollah.

An official from one of the terrorist organizations conveyed a message to a reporter from the Lebanese newspaper, stating that their reaction to each assassination would "surpass the expectations of Israel, and it will be caught off guard by the nature and intensity of the response." The official also warned that such a step could lead to a substantial escalation, affecting various theaters of operation.

In the wake of the Palestinian terrorist attacks in recent weeks, the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, has advocated for a return to the policy of targeted assassinations. During a meeting of the political and security cabinet, he additionally called for the imposition of curfews and closures on Palestinian cities, the revocation of work permits, and the construction of barriers.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant reacted to these demands, highlighting the risk of increased friction between Palestinian and Israeli populations. He noted, "It used to be a few dozen, and today it is already hundreds. One event leads to another."

Minister Ben Gvir fiercely criticized the Defense Minister, expressing his disbelief and frustration. "I feel like I'm in a fiction-based movie. People were murdered, a mother in front of her daughter, a father and his son just days ago, and you continue to talk about the danger of friction, the danger of nationalist crime. Have we gone mad? I'm starting to think we're in Switzerland," he exclaimed.

Meanwhile, as debates continued within the Israeli Security Cabinet, the IDF conducted operations throughout Judea and Samaria, arresting suspects linked to the Huwara attack last Saturday. According to an official statement, “IDF and Shin Bet troops operated this morning (Wednesday) in the villages of Burka and Khalil in the Shomron regional division area. The soldiers arrested eight wanted individuals, confiscating four vehicles and two guns. During the activity, disturbances arose in several centers near the village of Khalil, involving dozens of Palestinians who burned tires and threw stones at the forces. Gunshots were also heard in the area. There were no casualties to our forces.”

The statement further detailed that “During an operation in the Etzion Regional Division, IDF soldiers arrested two suspects who had previously thrown Molotov cocktails. During operations in Kfar Brokin and Kfar Mitlon in the Menashe Regional Division area, the forces detained two more wanted individuals. The suspects were handed over to the security forces for further investigation.”

This situation highlights the ongoing tension and complex dynamics in the region, with the Israeli government's strategic decisions being closely watched by both allies and adversaries. The debate within the Security Cabinet reflects a broader national dialogue about the appropriate response to ongoing security challenges, balancing the need for decisive action with consideration for broader regional stability and international relations

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